
John Jantsch

The State of Social Media Usage in America

social media usage

Some interesting stats here from John Jantsch. He presents some findings on Social Media usage as it stands today. And there are a couple of those findings are surprising! It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. The State of Social Media Usage in America I recently partnered with The Dash to find…

Timothy (Tim) Hughes

Social Media Marketing Is About Relationships, Not Broadcasting

Social Media Marketing

This article by Timothy (Tim) Hughes, looks at the roots of Social Media Marketing, and how the practices of many have changed less than we might like to believe. It is another installment in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Social Media Marketing Is Not For Broadcasting The foundations to marketing started in…

Toby Dean

The Ultimate List of Internet, eCommerce & Hosting Facts

Being successful in the world of online business is not impossible, but it’s not easy either. As with anything, the more informed you are, the bigger the chances of reaching your goals. It’s the same with online sales. except that the internet is an ever-changing environment that keeps reinventing and shifting current paradigms. Online sales…

Susan Gilbert

Take Your Facebook Ads To a New Level

Facebook ads are not only a great way to grow your business Page — they also can help improve your website traffic and conversion rates. According to a Socialbakers report, 92 percent of marketers are now advertising on this powerhouse social network. The retargeting feature, launched at the beginning of last year, can give your…

Susan Gilbert

Drive More Conversions With Website Retargeting

Your website should be a lead generating magnet in addition to your online marketing efforts. One way to achieve this is through retargeting. Wikipedia defines this as “targeted to consumers based on their previous Internet actions.” After installing a snippet of code on your website, targeted ads featuring your company will appear as your audience…

Ivan Temelkov

Why Most Businesses Are Wrong About Marketing ROI

Marketing ROI is all the rage for companies. As a matter of fact it’s the only thing that some of them truly care about when it comes to marketing. Why not, right? The world runs on currency, so quantifying your marketing ROI seems like the best thing. This is precisely where most companies are completely…

Andy Capaloff

Facebook News Feed Algorithm Changes: What You Need To Know

By now, April’s major change in the Facebook algorithm isn’t exactly news, even if most people will not be familiar with its minute details. Was anyone surprised by this or any other of the Social Media giant’s changes? No, me neither! But maybe just maybe, we can start to see some positive trends happening now?…

Luisa Brenton

6 Reasons Why Facebook Still Reigns for Brand Promotion

Reason #1: Your Demographic is There Some have called Facebook the “Coca-Cola” of this century. And that’s a pretty apt description. The company is huge; of all adult users of the Internet, 72% are on Facebook. And these users are from all demographics – young, middle-aged, seniors, rich, middle-class, poor, all races and religions, all…

Susan Gilbert

The Importance of Social Advertising For Business

Would you like to increase your sales and subscribers through social media? Are your posts getting less leverage than they used to? The new trend in social media marketing is advertising and promoted posts, which is now supported by major networks like Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. In fact, eMarketer reports that businesses spent over…

Jan Gordon

Here’s How To Win The Battle For Customer Attention

By Michael Brenner Today’s consumer is bombarded with thousands of marketing messages every single day. In order to stand apart from the noise, many brands are shifting their marketing budgets out of paid advertising (that we all ignore at staggering rates) and into content programs. These branded content marketing hubs are creating owned media properties…

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