Our Sponsored Post and Link Policy

Opening note: We value our time and our business, so we will not publish anything unless it is worth our while monetarily, and will not bring forth the wrath of Google. Almost every request expects that people are prepared to endanger their businesses and we are not. Therefore, we have not posted a sponsored article or link since Autumn 2018. Further, we will have no problem for that span to increase indefinitely.

Google Policy on paid links

In short, you’d probably be better off taking your inquiries elsewhere. But just in case you’re still interested…

Our Sponsored Post policies are simple….


  • You decide whether you wish to provide a high-quality article or have us write one
    • Our price to publish your high quality article is $150, paid in advance. This is non-negotiable. Articles will be shared to our social channels.
    • For us to do the writing, our charges will depend on the article length and amount of research required.
    • We will add links to relevant, recent articles, and reshare the articles on social media, for $40.
  • Articles should follow Content Marketing best practices, including no overt selling and no keyword stuffing
  • Articles must either be within the Digital Marketing umbrella or of clear use to our small-to-medium sized B2B core readership
  • The company sponsoring the post must be a fit with our business model. For example, we will not accept posts from gambling or sex sites.
  • Our readership is experienced. There is no reason to expect that they will read beginner level posts. Articles you provide should meet the same standard we uphold for guest posters and regular contributors

Most Important:

  • We WILL NOT include Do-follow links. These are against Google rules and no money we might be paid can make up for the loss of our business that would result in falling foul of Google
  • Don’t ask us to game the system by not marking your article or link as sponsored. It may be a game to you, but to us, it’s our business.
  • We require payment upfront (prior to posting, after acceptance of article).
  • We will not proceed with any collaboration until we have seen your website and prior articles. There is no point in discussing details if we don’t know whether we can accept your post.
  • We also will not accept paid posts or links unless we feel that our audience might appreciate them. There’s nothing to be gained for either of us if our readers wouldn’t like what we post. And it would be a waste of your money.


Final note: The price and payment policies, and our stance on follow links, are not negotiable. If you can afford less, many blogs will accept less. If other blogs will risk not being paid for their work, or being paid weeks or months later, that is their prerogative. And if other blogs are not nervous that one day, Google will see that they have broken the rules on dofollow links in sponsored posts, I wish them luck. Kindly do not try to discuss our preference to remain within Google’s ‘laws’ with us.

We presume and hope that you don’t realize that your insistence on dofollow links jeopardizes businesses. However, if you read the policy link and this document, and still try to insist on getting your way, be assured our response will not be amenable.


You may also wish to read this article: http://curatti.com/follow-links/