
Jan Gordon

It’s a Publish or Perish World for Content Marketers

By Lee Traupel So, you just uploaded some great content to your blog post and shared it across you social accounts expecting a signal back from the universe. But nothing: a ping with no echo. Instead the old hawk and drone story hit you upside the head. #realization You remember, the one your grandad used…

Martin (Marty) Smith

5 Great Movement Brands To Learn From

Chic-fil-a Movement Brands

  5 Movement Brands Movements gather scale and membership over time. Campaigns, offers and sales don’t scale. The “never ending sale” trains shoppers to wait and expect more discounts, deeper discounts and better discounts. Discounting is crying wolf. Cry wolf enough and there may be a wolf but no one cares. Care, passion, emotional engagement…

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