7 Attributes of a Highly Effective Guest Blogger

Writing as a guest blogger can have its own advantages in terms of promoting your blog, expanding your reach to new audiences and increasing the amount of visitors that you receive. There are several key attributes that people will look for when they are choosing a guest blogger, and if you can demonstrate that you…
Getting Started with Instagram – A Tutorial

Instagram is taking the lead when it comes to engagement on social networks. Just to be clear, I didn’t just make that up, it’s a statistical anomaly I learned about from Mark Schaefer in his post Why Instagram is Becoming The Dominant Social Network. Mark didn’t make it up either – it’s actually based on a…
Is Blog Commenting a Lost Art?

Do You Have a Blog Commenting Strategy? ‘Say what?’ Yes I ask you; do you have a blog commenting strategy? Do you have ‘comment goals’ for your own blog? Have you ever analyzed your articles to find out why some articles get commented on a lot and other (great) articles get no response at all?…
Surefire Tips for Business Blogging Success

Have you mapped out a blog writing plan for your business articles for the new year? Not sure if blogging can help improve your marketing? The good news is that it’s never too late to begin a blog or refresh an existing one. As we enter into a new season it’s more important than ever…
Turn Stale Content Into Fresh Ideas For Your Business

Are you creating a lot of content for your business blog, but still not getting the results you need? Maybe it’s not so much the quantity that matters, but rather the quality. We need to ‘water the flowers’ and keep our marketing current with fresh ideas. Search engines showcase the articles that attract an audience…
Sharing Your Process With Customers Is Your Product

Process Is Product In 2009 I wrote: An eye of our collective Digital Marketing Storm settled briefly today. It is the day before Thanksgiving. Our web site is speeding up even as staff and friends hit the road. During a mid afternoon lull a thought settled in too. Process is product I thought. What does…
How Do We Find Our Way Out Of The Content Echo Chamber?

In his article, Focus On Your Audience More Than Your Peers, Daniel Newman of Millennial CEO nails a point I have tried to make more than once about the bubble so many content marketers are building around themselves. It’s actually more of a two-way mirror: here we are, in this space with others writing the…
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