How To Get More Pinterest Followers For Your Brand

Pinterest for Business Pinterest is a great visual platform. It’s fun, functional and fast-paced. You brand can absolutely benefit from being on Pinterest, as long as your social media marketing goals include increased web traffic, brand recognition and online audience. Whether you decide to take on Pinterest for your brand depends on your current marketing…
Is Blog Commenting a Lost Art?

Do You Have a Blog Commenting Strategy? ‘Say what?’ Yes I ask you; do you have a blog commenting strategy? Do you have ‘comment goals’ for your own blog? Have you ever analyzed your articles to find out why some articles get commented on a lot and other (great) articles get no response at all?…
15 Great Tips To Boost Curation and Sharing of Your Articles

How much and how often do you analyze your article stats? I have to confess right here, right now that after I publish a post, I often sit and watch the social share numbers closely all day. For me, it’s not enough to see ’50 Twitter shares after 24 hours’. I closely watch to see…
Original vs. Curated Content. Does the 80/20 Rule Still Stand?

How Much Content Do You Create and How Much Content Do You Curate? I recently saw this headline from a trusted source “How To Be Effective at Social Marketing Without Content Curation” by Carol Lynn Rivera. As I would normally share content from this source, sometimes without fully reading the whole article, this time I…