12 Tools To Improve Business Communication, Twitter, and Websites

The following is made up of 3 “Monday Tips” articles, each of which talks about 4 helpful tools and resources around a specific area of your business. Today, the subjects are:
- Improve your business communication
- Attract more Twitter followers
- Make your website more interactive
Improve Your Business Communication & Reach With These 4 Tools
1) A Professional Business Number – Google Voice
One way to create balance and manage your time is to have a dedicated business telephone number. You can easily do this by creating a Google Voice number. Signup is quick and simple, and even includes voice messages. Just connect your landline or cell phone number, and you are ready to go.
2) Low-cost Website Hosting – 1and1
Need a URL and an affordable host for your website? Then why not try 1and1? This is a low-cost, yet quality service that is perfect especially for startups. The cost to signup is minimal for domains and hosting and includes applications such as WordPress, Joomla!, and more.
3) Personal Radio Show – Speaker
Podcasts and webinars are a great way to connect with your audience and build your brand. But you will want to get your message out to as many listeners as possible. That is where Speaker comes in, which is a tool that allows you to create and air your own radio show. The great part is that it is directly broadcasted on the popular iHeart Radio network.
4) Connect with your Team and Customers – Free Conference Call
Do you want to hold a conference call but not buy into a service? Then Free Conference Call is the tool for your business. With this free service, you can host a one-on-one conversation or invite a group, all from your office at the click of a button. The app is available for download on both tablets and smartphones.
Attract New Followers With These 4 Twitter Tools
1) Automate for Steady Growth – SumAll
Keep a regular stream of content going to your network with good results. SumAll is a social media automation tool, which includes content sharing, scheduling, and tracking data. Get started for free without any credit cards or monthly subscriptions to enter.
2) Get Insights on any Profile – Foller.me
Use powerful analytics to gather competitor information as well as brand performance on Twitter. Foller.me helps you to analyze content, gather topics of usage, and see a follower ratio. Simply enter the name of a Twitter user and click on the Analyze button to get started. You will be provided with an overview as well as the type of followers in the account and general attitude of the user’s feed such as positive or negative.
3) See the Top Tweets of Influencers – My Top Tweets
Would you like to know what leaders in your industry are tweeting? My Top Tweets will provide you for free the latest tweets from an influencer. Find out what they are sharing so that you can also tweet out their content, and improve your branding and engagement on Twitter.
4) Expert Social Media Tracking – Tweet Binder
Optimize your campaigns as well as analyze the best content on both Twitter and Instagram. Tweet Binder helps you learn more about how your profile is performing with classified statistics and reports. Gain insights in real-time as well as information on the market value for your brand. Three plans are available depending on your company size and needs.
Use These 4 Tools to Make Your Website Interactive
1) Go Beyond the Traditional Signup Box – vCita
Would you like to generate more leads from your website? Now you can with vCita, which is a professional looking contact and scheduling form. Use their lead capture widget to instantly connect with a visitor, and improve customer satisfaction rates.
2) Voice Messages from your Website – SpeakPipe
In addition to a contact form, you can now give your potential customers the chance to leave a voicemail message for you instead with SpeakPipe, which is a free service that also offers pay as you go, and paid monthly options depending on your business’s needs. The software can be installed on your website as either a widget or on a page.
3) Realtime Customer Support – Zendesk Chat
Want to be able to chat with potential and existing customers right from your website? Then why not give Zendesk Chat a try? Automated chats help make communicate both positive and simple. Track and monitor your visitors with powerful analytics and switch between chat, ticketing, and social media for uninterrupted support.
4) Instant User Feedback – Qualaroo
Now you can conduct your own personal consumer research with Qualaroo. Turn website surveys into valuable insights you can use to improve your business. Target the right person with the right question at just the right time with this helpful tool. After learning how users are engaging on your website, you will be able to offer them better content as well as develop more targeted paid search campaigns.
Any Comments?
Do you have any experiences with the above tools that you’d like to share? Are there any tools in the above categories which you think our readers should know about? Have you made any new tool discoveries that you feel are about to take off and would like to share with others? Please leave your comment, below.
This is a curation of 3 Monday Tips posts which originally appeared on susangilbert.com. They are republished here with permission.
Featured image: Copyright: ‘https://www.123rf.com/profile_arielsyahril‘ / 123RF Stock Photo
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