12 Tools To Improve Digital Marketing, Content & WordPress

The following is made up of 3 “Monday Tips” articles, each of which talks about 4 helpful tools and resources around a specific area of your business. Today, the subjects are:
- Digital Marketing Tools
- New Social Media Content Tools
- WordPress Plugins
4 Digital Marketing Tools That Will Improve Your Strategy
1) Optimize the clarity of your website design – UsabilityHub
Gather precise insights on a visitor’s first impression of your business landing page. Five Second Test by UsabilityHub helps you to test your website design, logos, and marketing materials such as brochures. This free tool will help you to improve your landing page and increase your subscribers.
2) Understand your website and mobile view – Hotjar
If you are looking for better measurement on heatmaps, visitor stats, and more then you will love this resource. Hotjar reveals what your users are looking for, and care about when visiting a website. Visually see their clicks, scrolling behavior, and interactions the moment they arrive. This all-in-one resource allows you to conduct surveys, polls, encourage user testing, and analyze your results.
3) Simplify content creation – DivvyHQ
Optimize your content marketing with better tracking and publishing. DivvyHQ helps you to get organized and plan out your campaigns with a more efficient workflow. The real-time dashboard provides information on what your team is creating, and includes shared calendars. This allows for you to streamline your content process with daily tracking and communication for more a more focused and effective marketing campaign.
4) Effective content marketing software – Zerys
If you want to take advantage of multiple content management tools in one place then this resource will provide that for you. Zerys includes a dedicated project manager and content strategist who can help you put together the best articles for your target audience. Search in a database of 60,000 qualified writers with samples of their work. The quality is at the professional level, but at an affordable cost.
4 New Tools to Create Winning Social Media Posts
1) Tweet your screenshots – OneShot
Go beyond the 140 character limit and share text or image screenshots. OneShot is a free tool for iOS, which allows users to capture a section of an article, crop an image, and add your comment. If you’ve been frustrated by not having enough character space on Twitter then you will love this tool.
2) Color scheme design – Paletton
Having the right colors on your content and social media branding is important. Paletton makes the process simple by automatically correcting your colors to match a theme. Use this tool to choose the right palette for your business so that your images are eye-catching and consistent. This can be compared to your existing website with hex numbers available.
3) Simplify Facebook Messenger – Goofy
Communicate more effectively with your followers. Goofy manages Facebook Messenger right from your Macintosh computer. The app is fully featured, and includes notifications, group chats, quick reply, and more. This easy tool is completely free, and provides a simple web view of your activity without having to open your mobile phone or tablet.
4) Move your audience with text images – Legend
Turn your quotes and sayings into eye-catching visuals for your posts. Legend is an easy app that allows you to animate what your are typing to share on social media. Choose from a color, style, and filter and even create a video that can be posted to places like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
4 WordPress Plugins to Improve Your Blog
1) Easily show your tweets and posts – Social Streams
Showcase your Twitter and Instragram feeds directly on your website. There is a simple and free plugin offered by Social Streams, which automatically displays the latest tweets and posts. Collect conversations from your own content or through other relatable hashtags. This will add eye-catching photos and conversations to your content and drive more followers to your social networks.
2) Add metatags to your website – WP Facebook Open Graph protocol
Help make your website’s link look great on Facebook. That is where WP Facebook Open Graph protocol steps in, and adds the Facebook Graph metatags to your WordPress blog. This plugin also works well with Google Plus and LinkedIn. If a featured image is not easily loading in a post, then WPFBOGP will pull the right image for you from your content.
3) Insert tweet boxes – Better Click to Tweet
Easily create tweetable content that your readers will love to share. With Better Click to Tweet you can a simply add shortcode that you can select and highlight with fully customizable CSS. The much improved plugin includes security features and translation-readiness.
4) Cross promote blog posts – Blog2Social
Share your content across multiple channels. Blog2Social allows you to automatically publish, re-publish, and schedule your posts that can be shared to multiple social media channels. This great plugin posts to places like Facebook profiles, Pages and groups, plus Twitter and LinkedIn. Add hashtags and include excerpts or entire posts quickly and easily.
Over To You
Do you have any experiences with the above tools and plugins that you’d like to share? Are there any tools in the above categories which you think our readers should know about? Have you made any new tool discoveries that you feel are about to take off and would like to share with others? Please leave your comment, below.
This is a curation of 3 Monday Tips posts which originally appeared on susangilbert.com. They are republished here with permission.
The original articles can be found here:
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Susan Gilbert
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