Here’s How To Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

If you are a digital marketing professional, you can spot grandiose claims a mile off. These days it’s almost impossible to trick a customer (not that you should even want to). And you also can’t brand yourself differently to the actual quality of your service/product.
Being on the receiving end of every type of marketing there is as customers – it is our duty to stay alert for the good and bad. When it comes to content marketing, its power is in its core concept: communicating product, service and niche expertise and leadership.
Up Your Content Marketing Strategy
If you’ve noticed a decrease in your content marketing success, it’s time you revised your entire content marketing strategy.
Here are a few fundamentals that may help fix your marketing today:
Define Your Target Audience
There’s a rule as old as marketing itself. You need to define your target-audience before you even think of launching your product.
What most (content) marketers usually make a mistake with is that they publish for EVERYONE thinking it’ll get them more people and potential customers. Why is this wrong? It is because not everyone is interested in everything.
There’s a reason why specific products and services attract particular interest groups. And your job is to decide who your goal group is. Once you do, find out what topics they get inspired by and produce the type of content they want to engage with.
Consider Changing Your Content Writers
The truth is, there may be nothing wrong with your current content strategy. What may be wrong is your content writer.
Most employers don’t have the time to re-read all the content that “leaves” their office. They trust that their content writers will do their jobs properly. Unfortunately, it’s happened more than once that a team of creatives has gone seriously off track.
Maybe a simple strategy correction will work. And maybe you need to hold yourself accountable for fully delegating a process that needs at least some oversight.
Have a few sample pieces sent your way to read and see what’s happening. If you notice that the content is not at the level you’d expect, but IS following the prescribed path, your only path may be hiring new writers..
Think About the Visuals and Headlines
Consider the visual aspect of your published materials.
In our modern world, everyone’s rushing off somewhere, and content is flowing in quicker than we can process it. Nobody has the time to read every piece of content that comes their way – even on subjects that are important to them.
It’s essential that you grab their attention with a very strong headline and/or an eyecatching featured image.
Upgrade your content game by choosing attractive, unusual and inspiring photos for your articles.
Talk to your creative team about delivering original visuals with your brand’s logo on them.
Content marketing is more than just publishing. It’s creativity at its core.
Update Your Publishing Format
Digital Marketing is changing ever faster. The importance of actively remaining aware of new trends cannot be over-stressed… if you want to stay relevant!
Ultimately, it’s not just about what story you are telling, but about where – and in which format – you are publishing it.
Consult the Experts
If you can’t create effective content yourself, ask people who can. It’s the business of professional writers to keep up with digital trends. They can concentrate on the things you don’t have the time for. Growth opportunities are everywhere, and at Currati, we make the most of them.
You may also want to read: B2B Content Marketing Mastery: Optimize Creativity & Conversion Rate
Developing a B2B-Centric Content Marketing Strategy
Create a Content Marketing Strategy That Will Drive More Sales
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Jan Gordon
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