The Evolution of the World Wide Web [Infographic]

“In the information age, man and spider both live in a web. Amit Kalantri” There…
What Is Blockchain And What Are Its Business Applications?

Securing financial transactions is always a concern for businesses, and blockchain technology is one of the most reliable third parties you can entrust to safely complete your transactions. Blockchain employs math and cryptography to create a free, open, and decentralized database that contains transactions between millions of individuals. The records of these transactions (money, property,…
The Second Screen Viewing Trend That’s Reshaping Marketing

TV is becoming social and interactive. How? Let’s delve deeper.
7 Trends That Will Transform Online Business In The Future

With the unleashing of emerging cutting-edge technologies, almost every aspect of our society will see a transformation. New technologies will have a huge impact on the way online business will be carried out in 2018 and beyond. Modern technological systems such as ERP and CRM are highly capable of boosting productivity and reducing costs by…
Here’s How To Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

If you are a digital marketing professional, you can spot grandiose claims a mile off. These days it’s almost impossible to trick a customer (not that you should even want to). And you also can’t brand yourself differently to the actual quality of your service/product. Being on the receiving end of every type of marketing…
The 3 Not So Easy Steps To Innovation and Problem Solving

This article by Greg Satell (aka Digital Tonto) tackles the subjects of problem-solving and innovation. I hope you are as stimulated by it as I was. It is another in our “Great Articles You May Have Missed” series. Tackling Innovation In 3 (Not So Easy) Steps By the early 20th century, the world’s great mathematicians knew…
The Rise of Multi-Screen Content Consumption [Infographic]

We are now well into 2018, and the tech gurus have predicted that it is going to another great year for the eCommerce industry. AI and the IoT will make further inroads into our lives, and the use of internet to handle routine tasks – particularly online buying and shopping – will become a significant…
E-learning Trends to Watch Out for in 2018 [Infographic]

2017 brought many exciting and new trends with it. Some of these made a serious impact on how we will perceive e-learning in the future. What we’re currently facing is an online learning market making a shift towards those who use smartphone devices as their only method of accessing a particular e-learning platform. With that…
6 Tips to Consider When Updating Your eCommerce Website

Let’s face it guys; the internet world is totally unpredictable. It seems like there are changes every day. New features are being introduced at incredible speed, helping the web to stay relevant and inspiring. And the competition is insane! If a website fails to “Adapt, Improvise and Overcome” the changing dynamics, it will inevitably and…
Social Media Trends For 2018 [Infographic]

Editor’s note: It’s that time again. Many (or most?) blogs will publish both retrospective articles on the year that is coming to a close, and some that predict the year ahead. It’s probably worth noting the predictions of previous years. How accurate have they turned out to be? Should we take every prediction post as…
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