Your Complete Content Plan, Part 2: Content Creation

In part one of “Your Complete Content Plan”, we discussed Keyword Research. You can click here to view that piece and the accompanying infographic. Part two of of our 3-part series concentrates on Content Creation.
For some people, the writing part is a piece of cake. Good for them! For many, it is anything but easy! Most people can write, but not everyone can write content that others will want to read, and that is capable of adding knowledge, value or context.
You need a connection with your audience, in order to stand above the crowd of others who may offer similar services or products. As a Content Marketer, it becomes your responsibility to present your story, your expertise and your trustworthiness in a form that will help your audience believe that YOU can solve their problems. As long as your product is a fit for the market and serving the audience’s demand, it will be able to persuade them that it’s here to make their lives better in some valuable manner. And a brilliant piece of content will support you along the way.
“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.”
Here are some quick questions about your previous content that you need to ask yourself before you begin writing-:
- Does it engage?
- Does it solve a problem?
- And does it have a call to action?
The content creation stage is surely the most crucial one. It is this that will make or break your entire Content Marketing Plan. So you need to be sure about the framework you choose for your content piece. Here is a simple, detailed content framework that you can follow, to help you on your way.
Remember: a good, grammatically correct article, won’t suffice if you are not good at the optimization part. Similar to the Keyword Research aspect, I’ve put together a detailed infographic to assist you throughout the Content Creation process.

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We’d love to hear your thoughts on the above. Do you have a process you would like to share? Any thoughts on Keyword Research or Content Distribution? Please comment, below.
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Ruchika Sharma
Latest posts by Ruchika Sharma (see all)
- Your Complete Content Plan, Part 3: Content Distribution - March 10, 2017
- Your Complete Content Plan, Part 2: Content Creation - February 17, 2017
- Your Complete Content Plan Part 1: Keyword Research - January 27, 2017