Why You Shouldn’t Consider Using ChatGPT To Write Blog Posts

The rise of Open Source AI has gotten many businesses to rub their hands with glee. Perhaps we can do away with expensive content writers, and focus on using ChatGPT to write blog posts for us instead? I can certainly see how his automation could be valued as an advance in technology. Here is a…
Turn One Research into Dozens of Awesome Articles!

[Updated June 29, 2022] Alright, full disclosure time: I love doing content research. For some people, it is the most tedious, boring, long and agonizing part of writing for the web. But to me, it’s the quiet fireplace time with my cup of coffee that will get me busy for the next week or so…
The Content Marketing Specialist – The Must Have Secret Weapon for Small Business & Startups

This article isn’t about the importance of content marketing. You should already know it’s one of the most effective and sustainable marketing strategies. No, this article is about the finding and hiring a content marketing specialist. This is the crackerjack operative who finds all the best keyword opportunities, gets killer new sources of quality backlinks,…
10 Essential Aspects Of Content Marketing: From Instagram To Local Business

Editor’s note: Not everyone is an expert. And even experienced writers can do with a simple, yet comprehensive guide on subjects they are familiar with. This guide to essential aspects of content marketing will be particularly helpful to those starting out but may be worth a read for others also. Essential Aspects of Content Marketing…
You Gain Or Lose Online Trust In 2.8 Seconds

Visitors need only 2.6 seconds to land on that area of a website that most influences their first impression, according to researchers at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. It then takes less than 1/5th of a second for them to actually form that first impression. Do you know how to impress them? If…
Use These Methods to Keep Your Target Market Research Fresh

Trends and technology have shifted quite a bit over the last few years. Now is a good time to discover whether your current target market research is still relevant to your niche. According to Hubspot, 75 percent of mobile users are still using search engines to find information. And 73 percent of customers will unsubscribe…
How to Write Content That People Will Read and Share

This is one of the hottest topics of the day. How do you get people to read and share your ‘perfect’ content? In this article in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series, Shane Barker shows us how. Write Content That People Will Love to Read and Share If there’s no engagement, is your…
Is There Truly An Ideal Article Length? We Think Not!

Let’s Finally Put the Ideal Article Length Debate to Rest When it comes to marketing to the B2B crowd, what is the ideal article length? This is a question that has plagued marketing writers since blog posts became a thing. Some say longer posts are king while others say shorter posts reign supreme. Who’s right?…
No Innovation Strategy Fits Every Problem. So Get Creative!

Trust Greg Satell (aka Digital Tonto) to once again get the mental juices flowing. Here, he discusses innovation strategy, using some great examples to prove that what works in one instance, will surely not work in another. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. No Innovation Strategy Fits Every Problem…
How to Convert Your Product Idea Into Reality

Any product or service you can think of, including the ones you offer, began as nothing more than an idea. However, going from a simple idea to a final, finished product is never a straight route. Instead, it is a long and tortuous road that is littered with obstacles and pitfalls. Nevertheless, today’s economy provides…
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