How to Play Around With Google Suggest to Come Up with Content Ideas

[Updated November 1, 2022] Google is pretty much the only search engine that matters. Yes, others may be used more in certain regions, such as Baidu (with around 8% of overall usage, followed by Bing at 7%, according to Smart Insights). But even with those and other search engines, Google takes more than 77% of…
Topic Clusters In Content Marketing: Here’s What You Need To Know

You are probably among the millions who are struggling to feature on the high-ranking result pages. Though it looks easy from the outside, it isn’t in real terms. This is because thousands like you (from your niche alone) are fighting the same battle. However, getting slotted within the top positions can be done. You can…
Future Keywords Optimization (FKO): Acquire Clicks With Zero Backlinks

One of the biggest issues faced by SEO professionals is acquiring backlinks. You can’t expect to obtain higher organic rankings for your target keywords unless you earn a significant number of backlinks. Now, imagine if you can drive clicks to your site just by creating content. Not only this will save time, but it will…
How to Create Your Writing Routine to Boost Your Productivity

Anyone can be a writer! Often, the hardest thing about writing your own content is just getting started. It’s easy to procrastinate by making another cup of coffee, running to the grocery store, or taking the dog out. Some procrastination is okay, but when you sit down at 9 in the morning to write your…
The Content Marketing Specialist – The Must Have Secret Weapon for Small Business & Startups

This article isn’t about the importance of content marketing. You should already know it’s one of the most effective and sustainable marketing strategies. No, this article is about the finding and hiring a content marketing specialist. This is the crackerjack operative who finds all the best keyword opportunities, gets killer new sources of quality backlinks,…
How To Use FAQs To Rank Your Pages In Google

When discussing different types of webpages in terms of their SEO potential, we rarely talk about FAQ pages. They’re usually considered to be almost exclusively functional, and they’re rarely seen as pages that could perform well SEO-wise. This is a mistake! Especially if we’re also talking about FAQ sections that can be added to pages,…
The Top 6 Link Building Mistakes We Might Be Making

Link building is one of the oldest digital marketing strategies out there. So are we writing about something so old? Perhaps the real question is: if it’s “old,” why are people having such a hard time doing it? In fact, a lot of marketers might be using what they think are effective link building methods,…
17 SEO Experts Share Their Best Content Optimization Hacks

It is often said that if you write your content for the user, Google will reward your website with traffic. But if you ask the people working in the trenches, producing content every day, they will tell you otherwise. Content needs to be optimized both for the user and the search engines to get the…
How to Drive More Website Traffic with Pinterest

Pinterest has become one of the top social networks where people go to for lifestyle ideas, information, and products. Did you know that this platform also serves as a powerful search engine that can provide valuable links to your website? According to the company, online sales referrals top other social networks like Facebook and Twitter…
The Art of Social Media and SEO Marketing

As social media has become a factor in online marketing, many have debated whether this has had an impact on SEO. Specifically, this includes likes, retweets, and engagement, all of which indirectly impact a website’s search engine rankings. More specifically, both content and conversations through places like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn send out social signals.…
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