Curatti Best Articles of 2022 (And Happy New Year 2023!)

2022 is finally over! While the last two years have each been better than their predecessors, as with last year, I don’t suppose it met too many people’s hopes or expectations. I hope that some who read this were amongst the success stories. Please leave a comment if that describes you. We all love to…
12 Keyword Research, Personal Branding, and Video Marketing Strategy Tools

The following comprises 3 “Business Tips” articles, each of which talks about 4 helpful tools and resources around a specific area of your business. Today, the subjects are: Keyword Research Personal Branding Video Marketing strategy Get Your Content Seen in Search with These 4 Tools 1) The right topics for your audience – The Hoth…
How to Play Around With Google Suggest to Come Up with Content Ideas

[Updated November 1, 2022] Google is pretty much the only search engine that matters. Yes, others may be used more in certain regions, such as Baidu (with around 8% of overall usage, followed by Bing at 7%, according to Smart Insights). But even with those and other search engines, Google takes more than 77% of…
How to Create Your Writing Routine to Boost Your Productivity

Anyone can be a writer! Often, the hardest thing about writing your own content is just getting started. It’s easy to procrastinate by making another cup of coffee, running to the grocery store, or taking the dog out. Some procrastination is okay, but when you sit down at 9 in the morning to write your…
The Content Marketing Specialist – The Must Have Secret Weapon for Small Business & Startups

This article isn’t about the importance of content marketing. You should already know it’s one of the most effective and sustainable marketing strategies. No, this article is about the finding and hiring a content marketing specialist. This is the crackerjack operative who finds all the best keyword opportunities, gets killer new sources of quality backlinks,…
5 Ways to Create a Data-Driven Content Strategy and Boost Growth?

If you talk about data-driven content marketing, it’s likely to cause most people’s eyes to glaze over. One of the biggest mistakes content marketers make is assuming that creativity is enough to create great content. What they often overlook is a huge aspect of the equation — Data. The content you create needs to deliver…
9 Collaboration Tools for a More Efficient Content Marketing Team

Content marketing can be quite daunting – especially for marketers who have to work in a team. Working together to achieve optimal results requires team members to adjust. That means that they are usually on the lookout for various advanced tools that will make their common work easier and faster. Content marketing can include an…
3 Things You Need To Know About SEO – Even If You Don’t DIY

SEO. Not too many subject can compare with it for importance. There are plenty of medium-to-high level posts on the subject right here on Curatti (and almost everywhere else!). But some subjects require little refreshers on the simple stuff also. This article by John Jantsch will show business owners some of the things they need…
The Importance Of Keyword Research For Your Website

In the online world, people don’t just stumble upon websites, but instead search for a product, service or content they need. To be visible to your target audience, you need to start using the right keywords – ideally the same ones they’d be typing in the search engine. Keyword research is a process of realizing…
4 Unusual Ways To Boost Your Website SEO

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] There are so many things you could do on your website to get more visitors and traffic, but you don’t always know what they are! Well, you are in luck. In this post I am going to show you 4 surprising ways you can get more traffic to your website and impress…
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