Jan Gordon
July 23, 2015

The Impact of Mobile on Human Relationships

By Bryan Kramer Everyone’s been there. A wistful older person, often in the presence of those in a much younger age bracket, begins to rant on the unfortunate prevalence of technology in today’s world. The story that begins with “back in my day” usually ends with this person lamenting the fact that technology has destroyed…

Jenn Herman
July 22, 2015

Three Myths Around Social Media Marketing

All of the blog posts I write are dedicated to the power of what social media CAN do for your business. And if you’ve been reading this blog for more than a couple posts, you know I love social media and the impact it can have on a business. But, despite all that, there are…

Paolo Fabrizio
July 21, 2015

Are You Ready to Handle Social Customer Service Rants?

We’re currently having a very hot summer in Italy. Many people are complaining about it but, even if temperature became cooler, I’m sure that some of them would simply switch to another topic. Like it or not, some people just like complaining. However, when it comes to social customer service, you have to deal effectively also with…

Susan Gilbert
July 20, 2015

How to Attract Evangelists Online for Your Business

A unique brand message goes a long way with your business’s leads and customers. In order to get noticed online you need word of mouth referrals in order to make the sale. Reputation management is a necessary component for brands to effectively attract a loyal audience. The focus should always be on the needs of…

Andy Capaloff
July 19, 2015

These 3 IT Secrets Can Boost Your SMB

(Disclaimer: These things are far from secret within IT!  But the word “Secret” gave the heading a way better emotional score than “Skillset”!) What Can IT Teach My SMB? The Systems needs of very large companies, can be huge. I work on various aspects of systems, which can involve multiple departments, spread over 3 continents.…

Rebekah Radice
July 16, 2015

10 Social Media Strategy Ideas that Generate Results

The competition for attention is fierce! No matter where you look – Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus — standing out isn’t easy. But, did you know that 97% of consumers say they now turn to the Internet before making contact with a business? That makes differentiation more important than ever before. As a small business owner or entrepreneur,…

Jan Gordon
July 15, 2015

Overcoming Content Marketing’s Biggest Challenges

By Brett Relander Brands today no longer have the luxury of simply sitting back and hoping that their brand identity will be enough to bring customers their way. Not only is transparency increasingly important in the more modern world of marketing, but consumers today demand increased interaction. If your brand is not able to deliver…

Jan Gordon
July 14, 2015

Storytelling with Snapchat and Periscope

By Brian Fanzo Every brand in every industry is currently struggling with finding ways to relate with their audience, creating content of value and find unique ways to tell their stories.  Technology and social media are amazing channels for brand storytelling but brands must first have a compelling story then understand and embrace the community. …

Susan Gilbert
July 13, 2015

Reach More Customers for Your Business Through Authority Marketing

In today’s marketing arena online it is the customer who determines the reputation of a business. By staying on top of the latest changes and remaining active in your community your business can utilize authority marketing by being seen, know, and trusted. Purchases and reviews on social media cause us to take a human-centered approach…

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