Things You Should Know About The Behavior Of Digitally Conscious Customers

Once upon a time, customers made the majority of their purchases at physical stores. Today, experts predict that 2022 has seen more than 2.14 billion shoppers online, which is about 27% of the world’s population. With new digitally conscious customers becoming the norm, it’s important for businesses to adapt to this new behavior. However, adapting…
Curatti Best Articles of 2022 (And Happy New Year 2023!)

2022 is finally over! While the last two years have each been better than their predecessors, as with last year, I don’t suppose it met too many people’s hopes or expectations. I hope that some who read this were amongst the success stories. Please leave a comment if that describes you. We all love to…
Personalization and 5 Other Ways to Master Your Social Selling

Editor’s note: We know that many regular Curatti readers have already mastered social selling. This is for those who either haven’t yet taken the plunge or feel that their approach needs some tweaking: Many businesses rely on a sales team or even lead-nurturing social campaigns to gain prospective clients or buyers. However, social media can…
10 Ways to Convert Leads for Your SaaS Business Through Email Marketing

Email marketing is as old as the internet. Over the last 20 years, it has evolved and became a go-to digital marketing strategy for businesses across many verticals. Approximately 50% of marketers in the US are planning to increase their spending on email marketing. One of the reasons is that it delivers. For SaaS businesses,…
How AI in Martech Impacts the Customer Journey

If you ask any marketer what their ultimate goal is beyond just improving sales, chances are you will hear them say something about improving the customer experience. After all, these two priorities are tightly related. Dimension Data’s Global CX Benchmarking Report found that 84% of businesses that improved their customer experience saw a direct growth…
The Power of AI Tools in Customer Service

As counterproductive as it may seem, machine-led Artificial Intelligence tools are playing a central role in driving emotion-centric customer service operations. Don’t believe us? Consider the following hard-facts for a second: As per research, “42% of customers want to communicate with companies via live chat for customer service.” Plus, “By 2021, more than 50% of…
How Machine Learning Can Improve Email Marketing

Despite the many obituaries, email is still a powerful marketing tool. People and businesses sent more than 281 billion emails per day in 2018, and that number is expected to increase to more than 333 billion by 2022. Today though, email marketing is getting a modern makeover. A growing number of marketers are using machine…
Curatti Best Articles of 2018 – Part One

How has 2018 changed things for you? Have the trends so boldly proclaimed in last year’s forecast articles come to fruition? Have you decided to take a new direction for any reason? (Please tell us in the comments section!) For us, the year was over far too quickly – like a blur. We cut back…
When Does Personalization Cross The Line From Fuzzy To Creepy?

We all like to feel that we are personally being addressed in marketing efforts aimed at us, right? But at what point does personalization cross the line and simply go too far? Daniel Newman delves into the subject. It is another article in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series….. Personalization: How Much Is…
Why Personalization Is Something You Need To Be Hyped About

What do you see when you look at a mirror? If you’re a business leader, entrepreneur, or marketer, you should see an opportunity staring right back at you. Why? Because personalization offers you the opportunity to make your products and services super valuable to your customer community and create brand loyalty that goes above and…
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