Articles by Ann Smarty

Ann Smarty
November 10, 2021

12 Tools That Make You a More Productive Blogger

There is a general rule of thumb that states a blog with quite aggressive content and SEO strategies will take at least 4-6 months to become profitable on any minor scale. Keep in mind this is with continued and consistent effort as well as significant investment of time (and money). How long does it take…

Ann Smarty
August 8, 2021

How I Doubled My Organic Search Traffic with Text Optimizer (Updated)

A writer’s knowledge of search engine optimization doesn’t have to be too advanced: it is enough to know how to use Yoast SEO plugin and understand that content is important. It is also useful to perform very basic keyword research before writing content to try and find searchable angles. Not much is under your control…

Ann Smarty
July 23, 2021

How to Build Traffic from Social Media

Today competition for traffic is fierce. Every day new bloggers join the flow of information competing to be found. Even if you have the advantage of already enjoying lots of visitors and page views, it is a brave website owner who assumes that the success of yesterday will be automatically replayed forward into tomorrow.  Audiences…

Ann Smarty
July 5, 2021

Turn One Research into Dozens of Awesome Articles!

[Updated June 29, 2022] Alright, full disclosure time: I love doing content research. For some people, it is the most tedious, boring, long and agonizing part of writing for the web. But to me, it’s the quiet fireplace time with my cup of coffee that will get me busy for the next week or so…

Ann Smarty
July 3, 2021

How to Collect Leads from Your Blog by Building an eBook

Market Your Business Book

Updated on 03/07/2023 Digital book marketing is not new but it’s getting more popular these days because it’s a great way to curate and organize your own content as well as offer your readers an alternative format to read your articles. eBooks might not always make much money alone, but affiliate, PPC, and other marketing…

Ann Smarty
June 8, 2021

Top Tips To Help New Bloggers Get Better

Writing Tips

A large number of internet users have turned to blogging for a number of diverse reasons. Many consider it an extremely promising career option while other takes it as medium for expressing their thoughts and opinions. Therefore, blogs on every conceivable topic exist on the internet and it is growing in number with every passing…

Ann Smarty
May 1, 2021

Why Voice Search is Making Q&A Pages More Relevant Than Ever (Updated)

Voice Search is Growing. Are you ready?

All content marketers are aware of how important keyword research is. But what if I tell you it’s evolving more quickly than ever before? We are well past the era of “keyword strings” and we are entering the age when natural language research becomes increasingly important. That’s because many people interact with search through voice…

Ann Smarty
April 9, 2021

Is Your Email Strategy Stuck in the Past?

B2B email marketing strategy

Key Takeaways: Relevance is paramount: Marketers are abandoning generic mass emails in favor of highly personalized and targeted messaging. Behavioral data is essential: Leveraging user actions and preferences allows for tailored one-on-one communication. Nurturing matters: Sophisticated welcome series and onboarding programs, focusing on individual needs, are replacing one-size-fits-all approaches. Deeper segmentation is on the rise:…

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