12 Digital Marketing, Content Curation, and Social Listening Tools

The following is made up of 3 “Business Tips” articles, each of which talks about 4 helpful tools and resources around a specific area of your business. Today, the subjects are: Digital Marketing Content Curation Social Listening tools 4 Unique Digital Marketing Tools 1) Get information faster – Spritz Read content faster and save more time to…
5 Elements Your Agency Website Must Have

Trying to make your agency stand out from the crowd is incredibly hard. As your website is often the first impression potential clients will have, it’s worth the investment of time and money to make sure it’s up to scratch. Competition is increasing (both from other agencies, but also from internal departments and management consultancies…
5 Technical Skills Online Entrepreneurs Should Learn About ASAP

We know the technological world is on an exponential growth trend. We also know it’s no longer just about highly-performing computers and gadgets. Nowadays, modern technologies are available in all types of industries from fully-automated production lines to advanced security systems against financial fraud to even intelligent algorithms that can create fact-checked news. So what…
5 Great Social Media Management Tools for Businesses

Social media management may be quite intimidating and overwhelming for business owners. There are so many pieces and micro-tasks that it is hard to see the bigger picture. And it is even harder to monitor and evaluate the team’s progress. With that in mind, here are a few tools to help set up an effective…
6 Trust Factors That Strengthen Brand Loyalty

Before any savvy customer decides to work with you, they’ll need some evidence that your business can be trusted. When potential clients scan your website, they quickly form thoughts about your brand and whether it’s worth trusting. Current research shows that within 50 milliseconds, a visitor has already developed a partial opinion about your site.…
How To Increase Landing Page Conversions (13 Pro Tips)

If you are like most marketers, your landing page conversion rates are dismal. Want proof? Studies show the average landing page conversion rate across industries is a mere 2% to 5%. Yes, at best only 5 out of 100 prospects that visit a landing page convert. That’s disappointing because landing pages play a crucial role…
How To Learn: Lessons From a Baby (Do What You Do, But Do It New)

As I watch my 2-year-old grandson sucking up information like a sponge, and now welcome a 2nd grandson into the family, it’s a good time to reflect on learning. Of course, it’s timely for our world, also, as many of us will need to learn new ways of working. And an all-new cohort is joining…
How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Digital Marketing

I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that. One of the most sinister quotes in the history of cinema was uttered by HAL 9000, an intelligent, omniscient supercomputer controlling the doomed Discovery 1 spaceship in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. A number of other sci-fi flicks also painted intelligent machines in a similar…
8 Regulations to Know When Developing an Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is convenient since it allows you to reach potential customers from all over the world with a few quick clicks. However, the respective laws for getting in touch with people online can vary and knowing them could make the difference between earning conversions and getting into legal trouble. Here are eight email marketing…
Curatti Best Articles of 2019 (And Happy New Year 2020!)

The end of the decade is upon us (unless you are a pendant, lol!). How marketing in general and websites have evolved! Search is unrecognizable, but the evolution has been gradual enough that you could be forgiven for thinking it was always like this. Social Business went mainstream quite some time ago but has a…
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