
Julie Petersen

12 Essential Tools To Write User & SEO-Friendly Content

Content Marketing is the first aspect of companies large and small, that is seen by the outside word.  It is therefore essential that content marketers focus on not only the quality of their content and design, but also their search engine optimization. Without an SEO-friendly site, it will be difficult for your target audience to…

Norman Arvidsson

7 Inspiring Tips about Visual Content Marketing

To achieve the goals of visual content marketing, a high-quality strategy is a must in today’s world. However, it’s also very important to consider the distribution of this marketing plan. It needs to reach out the appropriate audience to receive the best results. For social media, it has evolved into more of the content being…

Susan Gilbert

Create a Content Marketing Strategy That Will Drive More Sales

An effective content marketing strategy will create more conversions and shares online, especially when your business’s articles, videos and social media posts have a compelling message. It’s time to take a look at how your content is performing in order to better reach your community. According to marketing expert Neil Patel in an article on…

Susan Gilbert

Create Viral Press Releases and Content

As a business you want to encourage your visitors to share your content and attract the media and influencers at the same time. This is same whether you are creating press releases, website pages, or blog articles. Digital marketing expert, Neil Patel, defines viral as “relating to a piece of content that is circulated rapidly…

Michael Gerard

A Strong Business Case for Content Marketing

Most marketers are making significant investments in content marketing to drive awareness, with the better practitioners using it to grow leads and revenue.  If statistics about how many marketers are making the shift to content marketing are enough for you (and your boss) to move full steam ahead with your content marketing initiatives, then I’ve included some of this…

Michael Brenner

10 Guaranteed Ways To Increase Your Content Shares

Ever wonder why some people’s content goes viral and gets tons of social shares? Is there some content marketing secret sauce you don’t know about? To try to answer this million-dollar question, for a period of eight months BuzzSumo analyzed over 100 million articles, and this is what they found out. Obviously the prerequisite to…

Robert Caruso

The Continuing Evolution Of Digital Marketing

Let me tell you a short tale about digital marketing. Though a true story, the brands, dates and details have been removed in place of making extremely important points about how brands large and small shoot their own feet and step on their own toes. Once upon a time there was a world of push marketing.…

Robert Caruso

The Importance Of Smart B2B Content Marketing

If we have heard anything over the past few years about digital marketing, it’s that content marketing is extremely important. The data and research supports the importance of consistent content marketing and it’s effectiveness in driving traffic, creating demand and lead generation, not to mention elevating thought leadership and web traffic. At the same time…

Scott Aughtmon

The Life-Changing Power of Content Marketing: A Story

This is the amazing story of how content marketing took one woman on a journey from being a Silicon Valley worker to the owner of a Michelin-rated restaurant. The most surprising fact? How inexperienced she was as a chef. She told… “I learned to cook when I first tasted what passed for Thai food here in the States. Before…

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