How to Use Guest Blogging to Build Your Business

If you are a business owner with a blog, have you thought about blogging on more than your own website? It can be very beneficial to you and an integral part of how you do business. Whether you have or haven’t, keep reading to find out all about guest blogging and how it can help…
7 Content Writing Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Unlike other types of marketing, content marketing is focused more on meeting and anticipating the customer’s already existing need for information. The focus here is not to create demand for a need. Several years ago, James O’Brien from Contently said: “The idea central to content marketing is that a brand must give something valuable to get…
Making Your Guest Posts More SEO-Friendly

Guest posts are a way for your business to provide high-quality content in exchange for a backlink. Having more backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites is a proven way to raise your Google profile. However, there’s more to submitting a well-written, effective guest post than just writing an excellent article and posting it on someone…
12 Tools To Improve Blogging, Branding and Social Media Networking

The following is made up of 3 “Monday Tips” articles, each of which talks about 4 helpful tools and resources around a specific area of your business. Today, the subjects are: Blogging Tools Brand Growth Tools Top Tools for Social Media Networking 4 Fresh Blogging Tools to Help Boost Your Content 1) Improve blog performance…
Maximizing The Conversion Opportunities You Were Probably Missing

There is a myriad of conversion opportunities that most websites and apps don’t fully exploit. Opportunities that are right there, on your pages, but you haven’t recognized them yet. This article will help you find some areas of your app or website that can dramatically increase conversions… with a little help from you. So read…
9 Tips for Writing Killer Website Content

If we think about it, websites are what landline phones were over a decade ago. They provided a means for a company to get in touch with their customers and/or partners. And they providing credibility, in the process. This doesn’t mean that phones no longer do that, because they do. But websites do it better.…
Top 5 Steps to Craft a Blog Content Strategy

After a relatively sluggish start, blogging gained popularity quickly during the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. Since then, we’ve been witnessing a sort of revolution where countless individuals have made a name for themselves. Inevitably, the issue of quality over quantity was put into focus as more people started using blogs Businesses, in particular, realized…
How to Advance Your Content Marketing Career

Let’s cut to the chase. As the volume of content continues to increase year-on-year, so does the demand for qualified content writers. And what happens when demand increases? Potential remuneration increases. And that’s good news for those thinking about (or already embarking on) a content marketing career. Last year, a marketing executive report by Conductor…
6 Essential Ingredients of a Successful Blog Post

If you were expecting your family over for dinner, and you decided to prepare your specialty (yes, that delicious creme brûlée everyone loves), you’d first go over the checklist of ingredients to make sure you have everything you need. Well, the same principle applies when writing your blog. That is – if you want it…
How to Effectively Use Storytelling to Attract a Larger Following Online

In order to be successful with your website and on social media your business needs to offer great storytelling content that connects with your audience in order to establish a trusted and authoritative brand online. This is the key to selling your product or service. If that isn’t happening then the missing link is inside…
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