Paolo Fabrizio
January 3, 2023

How Will You Improve Customer Experience?

Why You Must Improve Customer Experience

It is becoming ever more important that you constantly improve customer experience to stay competitive. After such a bold statement, I invite you to read the rest of this article. If you disagree, stop reading now because I won’t do anything to convince you.

The fact is that I’ve been listening to many companies saying that they are ‘customer-centric,’ but that cat is out of the bag. Only a few of them are able to explain what their plans are in order to deliver better and better experiences in the next 12 months. That’s why I’m challenging you now.

Balancing Digital With Human Touch

This is a common goal/issue for most organizations because the growth of Digital Customer Service channels has been accelerated by the pandemic. As I usually tell my clients, it’s like being in 2027 from a customer’s standpoint in terms of new behaviors and higher expectations. In fact, the demand for digital support over channels such as messaging, social media, live chat, or video chat is already cross-generational. Moreover, as consumers, we all:

  • Are less tolerant in cases of inefficiencies – meaning we’re willing to switch to a different provider after just 1-2 bad customer experiences.
  • Want self-service options to get simple information. We don’t want to send an email or call, just to know where the nearest bank branch is located.
  • Expect faster and better responses, including clear information and empathetic conversations. Provide me with the solutions or tell me at the beginning what you are going to do to fix my issue.Northridge Group


[Infographic] ‘The State of Customer Service Experience’ by The Northridge Group

To check if you’re still aligned with customers’ ever changing expectations focus on three specific drivers: learn more about them.

Over To You

Considering all the above, are you meeting such expectations? What are you doing to make customers’ lives easier so as to save them time and effort?

…And back to the title question:

How will you improve customer experience this year?

Have great conversations.

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Paolo Fabrizio

Digital Customer Service Consultant, Trainer, Author, Speaker. Paolo has been helping companies to harness digital customer service as a business driver. Founder of CustomerServiceCulture, author of books and speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad. Lecturer at the Bicocca University of Milan