Curatti Best Articles of 2014 – Part 3

As we approach the end of our first full year online, we wanted to pay homage to each of our authors by resharing one of their original articles from 2014, along with a brief curation of each. These are presented alphabetically, by first name, and split over 3 days.
(In each instance, you can click on the name in the top left of the articles, to see a list of all pieces by that author.)
While doing this, we also want to thank our loyal and growing readership for making this year bigger for us than we dared hope, and wish each of you a very happy Holiday Season.
Without further ado, here is the final installment (and here is a link to the second, in case you missed it):
Raymond Morin
In GENERATION C: The Reign of the Connected Consumers, the first article in a series for Curatti in advance of his new book, by Raymond Morin, re-introduces us to Generation C – the online consumers of all ages, who transcend the labels Boomer, X, Y or Z.
The term Generation C actually stands for Consumer, Content and Connection and dates back to a 2004 Trendwatching Magazine article. Later, Brian Solis wrote “Meet Generation C: The Connected Customer”, concentrating more on the newer generations.
In this series, continued with“GENERATION C: From the Boomers to Generation ALPHA”, Raymond goes into far greater depth. It’s compelling stuff and highly recommended reading
Rebekah Radice
In Must-Have Social Media Tools Every Small Business Needs, Rebekah Radice recommends two ‘must have’ tools in each of 5 categories: Social Media Management (Sprout Social and Buffer), Data Analysis (Followerwonk and Siimply Measured), Research (BuzzSumo and SEMRush), Content Curation (PostPlanner and Swayy) and Graphic Design (Canva and PicMonkey). This is indispensable information, with Rebekah providing links for each along with the reasons for her recommendations.
While recognizing that these may not be the only possible choices, she urges all to use the right tools – those that will improve overall productivity – and to dedicate the time to make each work for you. Ultimately, you will reclaim hours from your work day.
Reginald Chan
In 3 Ways To (Seriously) Leverage Twitter For Business In 2015, Reginald Chan starts by assuring us that the much written about demise of Twitter will not happen. Indeed, the platform has 241 million monthly users – a number that is continuing to increase – and these include major companies.
Having established that Twitter is going nowhere, Reginald recommends that we integrate Twitter into our marketing strategies ans shows us how to use it to monitor current trends, as an engagement tool and to analyze your target market using Analytics. He shows us both actual Twitter Analytics and how to read and utilize them.
Ron Sela
In How to Leverage LinkedIn Groups to Boost Your Online Presence, Ron Sela first shows us why Linkedin is so important for our business (over 300m users in 200 countries, with 187m unique visitors each month, 40% of who visit every day) then shows us the difference between Facebook and LinkedIn groups, before settling into the crux of this post – why LinkedIn groups are important to you.
There are 5 tips here on how not-for-profit organizations can leverage LinkedIn groups but these work as equally sound advice for those seeking to make profits. Things such as creating posts around engaging topics then invoiting those who engage to visit your site are universal in marketing. But don’t start a group in a vacuum. Integrate it into your marketing plan.
Sarah Arrow
In Content Curation: Your Blog Post Recipe, Sarah Arrow describes the essential ingredients for each curated blog post, with the warning that if anything is missing, it just won’t turn out right. It is no surprise that these include good content, graphics and internal links. Perhaps surprisingly few people include sufficient white space, H2/H3 headers or attributions.
‘Benefit Rich’ Titles should convey what is in it for the reader. F relevant, also add affiliate links or links to your own products. Each must be visually pleasing in order to capture and keep eyes. The benefit of keeping to a recipe is that it frees you to “put your energy where it really matters”.
Susan Gilbert
In Focus on Topics, not Keywords, Susan Gilbert tells us about how Google’s Penguin update in 2012 changed the face of SEO for content. The advice is that loading content with keywords no longer cuts it. It is essential now to concentrate on the topic in an informative and educational manner.
This is what is found through organic search, and this is what google now rewards sites for. Certainly, still use keywords, but mix them throughout your quality content. Link building is also very important for SEO, as are your tags. Your ultimate goal is to become a credible source for your target market.
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Jan Gordon
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