Happy New Year From Curatti

Facebook’s Year…. Again

Curatti Social Media Recap #1 We’ve finally arrived at the final day of 2014, rapidly approaching the New Year celebrations. 2014 has been yet another banner year for social media, digital marketing, and the era of curation as the companies surrounding the trend make waves. In a 10 article series, we have been counting down…
Curatti Best Articles of 2014 – Part 3

As we approach the end of our first full year online, we wanted to pay homage to each of our authors by resharing one of their original articles from 2014, along with a brief curation of each. These are presented alphabetically, by first name, and split over 3 days. (In each instance, you can click on…
Curatti Best Articles of 2014 – Part 2

As we approach the end of our first full year online, we wanted to pay homage to each of our authors by resharing one of their original articles from 2014, along with a brief curation of each. These are presented alphabetically, by first name, and split over 3 days. (In each instance, you can click on…
Happy Holidays From Curatti

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful writers and readers Happy Holidays From all of us to all of you (Back with more of the ‘Best of 2014’ Curated series tomorrow)
Curatti Best Articles of 2014 – Part 1

As we approach the end of our first full year online, we wanted to pay homage to each of our authors by resharing one of their original articles from 2014, along with a brief curation of each. These are presented alphabetically, by first name, and split over 3 days. (In each instance, you can click…
The Power of Gratitude 365 Days of Year

Like many of you, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It’s a time for savoring family, friends and life’s many blessings. We at Curatti have a lot to be thankful for. We just celebrated our first anniversary. It’s an important milestone, and we’re very proud of all we’ve accomplished in trying to bring you…
Curatti Social Media Recap 2014: #7 – The Year Content Became Impersonal

Curatti 2014 Social Media Recap: #7 We’re in the final quarter of 2014, which means there are less than 90 days until the New Year and the celebration of a new year on its way. 2014 has been yet another banner year for social media, digital marketing, and the era of curation as the companies…