Nathan Sykes
October 11, 2018

From Alexa to Podcasts: The Power of Voice in Modern Marketing

The Power of Voice in Modern Marketing

Voice marketing, in general, is nothing new. Thanks to radio and television broadcasts, it has existed — in one form or another — for close to a century. But the format is evolving rapidly thanks to the emergence of new, modern technologies. Smart speakers and voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant have irrevocably…

Paul Shuteyev
October 10, 2018
It's Time To Retire Bulk Email in favor of Outreach Campaigns

Email marketing is pronounced dead every year. But the truth is, it’s the main direct marketing channel for most businesses, digital or offline And according to reports and experts, it is still the leading channel for ROI. It hasn’t lost its efficiency. But the game has changed, as did email marketing methods. This means that…

Paolo Fabrizio
October 9, 2018

How To Turn Customer Conversations Into Sales Opportunities

Good Customer Conversations Make For More Sales Opportunities

Our relationships are based on conversations and actions. Regardless as to whether they are personal or professional, we need to walk the talk if we want to build and nurture them. If we don’t, we may lose those relationships. When it comes to customer service, what we say, how we say it and what we…

Jan Gordon
October 4, 2018

5 Ways to Promote Your Blog Content

How To Promote Your Blog Content

Launching a blog has become relatively straightforward in recent years. What you need is a theme and a few words to call your own. Well, a bit more than that is required, but that’s the general idea behind a blog. It should not come as a surprise to anyone that not all blogs are of…

Susan Gilbert
October 3, 2018

Why Social Signals Are Important To Search Engine Ranking

Social Signals

Does Google search factor in our social media activity? Currently, their algorithm does not directly measure your networks. But it does pick up on social signals, which are generated from conversations, shares, retweets, and content. Any links that are included with your marketing have the potential to be clicked on and shared. Thus, they create…

Avinash Nair
October 2, 2018

3 Critical Oversights that Are Killing Your B2B Customer Journey

B2B Customer Journey

The B2B customer journey is a fascinating concept. Source While the basic principles are relatively similar to B2C, the sheer depth and number of variables is much more extensive. This is because the B2B customer journey typically involves an organization, rather than an individual consumer. That said, the customer journey will likely need to account…

David Gutierrez
September 27, 2018

Content Marketing Tips for your eCommerce Blog

eCommerce Blog Tips

Is there such a thing as an eCommerce business that doesn’t have an additional online presence in forms of blogs and social media accounts. If there are any, they’re certainly a dying breed. Unfortunately, most of them do so simply because everybody else does – not because they have anything particular to say to their customers, current…

Bernard Meyer
September 26, 2018

Ramp Up Your Email Campaigns with These 4 Psychology Hacks

Psychology Hacks for Email Campaigns

An email campaign is like a first date. In almost all cases, you’ve got one chance to make a good impression and move the relationship forward. Unlike a first date, you can’t simply rely on the good manners your mother taught you, superior eye contact, or a slick new hair-do. Email marketers must utilize all…

Jan Gordon
September 20, 2018

How to Boost Website Traffic Using Social Media

You should always look at your website as the “central station” for everything that your business is doing online. It is the place where potential customers come to get information about your company, its products and services. And it’s where they ultimately make a purchase. Your website will also provide you with leads, customers, and…

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