Who Are the True Digital Natives?
Since the last economic crisis of 2008-2009, the influx of digital natives in higher education and the labor market has been a major challenge for society. However, businesses and organizations have been slow to adapt to new paradigms. As a result, the question resurfaces frequently in boardrooms and marketing and public relations agencies: Who really…
Get Your Business Calendar Under Control
As we come to a close in 2014 it’s time to reflect on our business productivity and accomplishments throughout the year. This is a perfect opportunity to check out your calendar and learn what needs to stay and what can be trimmed. According to a 2013 report by the Standish Group less than one third…
Original vs. Curated Content. Does the 80/20 Rule Still Stand?
How Much Content Do You Create and How Much Content Do You Curate? I recently saw this headline from a trusted source “How To Be Effective at Social Marketing Without Content Curation” by Carol Lynn Rivera. As I would normally share content from this source, sometimes without fully reading the whole article, this time I…
How to Maintain and Scale Web and Content Traffic
By Robert Caruso Maintaining consistent traffic to your content, website and landing pages is crucial to your online marketing success. The ability to understand your top traffic sources and subsequent traffic patterns once they land on your content is key to reducing the frequent ups and downs that are difficult to predict. Am I right? In…
The Power of Gratitude 365 Days of Year
Like many of you, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It’s a time for savoring family, friends and life’s many blessings. We at Curatti have a lot to be thankful for. We just celebrated our first anniversary. It’s an important milestone, and we’re very proud of all we’ve accomplished in trying to bring you…
Enhance Your Business Profile on LinkedIn
Would you like to attract more prospects and better connections for your business? I can hear your “YES!” Then it might be time to upgrade your LinkedIn profile with highlights of your professional experience and expertise using LinkedIn Projects. Showcasing your profile on social media may seem easier to achieve on places like Twitter, Facebook,…
How to Drive More Traffic With Instagram
This is the eleventh post in a 12 month series on the use of Instagram for businesses. It’s no secret that I tout the value of Instagram for marketing purposes. I honestly believe that there are many reasons to take advantage of the platform. But one of the biggest reasons is quite simply that Instagram drives…
Content Marketing Initiatives You Need For A Prosperous 2015
Looking out of the window, it was the rainy season here in Asia at this time. Reality struck… I realized that it was already the first of November (at the time of writing this post). And this means that I only have less than two months before I say good bye to 2014. It was time to plan my…
Why Behavioral Targeting is Smart Marketing
Do you frequently ask yourself: How can my business cut through the online clutter and connect with customers? A well-established principle in psychology, the cocktail party effect, helps us to answer this question. Imagine you are at a noisy gathering. Drinks are being served and music is playing in the background. Loud circles of conversations…
The Power of Social Media Inclusion
Curatti Social Media Recap 2014: #6 We’re in the final quarter of 2014, which means there are less than 90 days until the New Year and the celebration of a new year on its way. 2014 has been yet another banner year for social media, digital marketing, and the era of curation as the companies…
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