Bulletproof Content Marketing
Within the space of one week I had two friends independently greet me, almost identically. It went a little like this: “Sorry, you enjoy a wine, but I can’t, I’m in keto right now…” In what? ‘Keto’ hasn’t made it to the Oxford dictionary. But it will… Speaking the language What had I missed? What…
Influencer Marketing: One Voice Can Make A Difference
Sometimes, the way we think about influence is wrong. Or not wrong, but maybe our perception of what influence is isn’t quite correct. Generally, when you think of what influences you or what influences those around you, you think of movements, of shifts in sentiment based on experiences and inputs, and those shifts – at…
Can You Do Content Marketing With No Budget?
And 15 More Content Marketing Questions Answered . . . I have done a whole bunch of interviews in the last few weeks on content marketing questions. And since I believe one of the best content marketing hacks is to turn your most frequently asked questions into helpful pieces of information for your audience, I…
How B2B Marketers Can Help Buyers Achieve Their Goals
Many CMOs today are faced with a dilemma. As digital interactions and media become more intertwined into everyday life, marketers need to respond. Respond with content and media that fits into the new world of digital commerce. Yet, as CMOs invest and allocate more to content and digital media, the returns are not occurring as…
5 Tips to Creating a Successful Email Campaign
Email marketing is still an important strategy for building your business online. This can be more of a challenge than ever as more people turn to mobile texting for their communications, and add more spam filters to their email systems. With the right planning and execution you can create successful email campaigns that generate more…
3 Social Media Pet Peeves You Need To Avoid!
Pet peeves. You know, those “little” things that end up annoying you like nothing else? Even to the point where you feel like screaming or banging your head against a wall? Of course you know what I’m talking about, because we all have a pet peeve…or more than one. Or many of them. One of…
7 Most Common Blunders Content Marketers Make
It does not matter if online content is in the form of a blog, a website, an e-commerce store or a series of targeted product descriptions – if the right people do not know that it exists, they cannot interact with it. This is precisely why marketing is a major component of successful content creation.…
Marketers: Rethink The Customer Decision Journey
In 2009, McKinsey & Co. proposed what was touted as a radical shift in marketing practice they called the consumer decision journey. The article called into question the long held concept of the purchase funnel in favor of a new model that incorporated customer experience and advocacy. “If marketing has one goal, it’s to reach…
How to Take Your Content Marketing Up A Notch
By Lee Traupel In today’s media drenched, smartphone always on world smart content is the lifeblood your business. Smart content is visual, informative, topical and written so it resonates with and engages your customers, with built in calls to action that don’t get in the way of your brand messaging. Make, rinse and repeat one…
Landing Page Mistakes to Avoid
Is your business website retaining visitors? If your answer was no, or you aren’t sure, this could be corrected as simply as fixing your landing page, and without the right hook you could be missing out on golden opportunities. Your website is the branded image and calling card where people learn what you have to…
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