5 Tips to Creating a Successful Email Campaign

Email marketing is still an important strategy for building your business online.
This can be more of a challenge than ever as more people turn to mobile texting for their communications, and add more spam filters to their email systems.
With the right planning and execution you can create successful email campaigns that generate more sales. This takes knowing your target market and fine tuning your strategy as you go along.
According to an article on Salesforce, businesses who use email marketing on a regular basis along with their other social media and mobile marketing campaigns experienced a strong ROI. In fact, they include a statistic from Marketing Cloud that 73% of marketers use email campaigns as a main driver for their business.
Hubspot adds that a little over 80% of readers use their mobile devices to access their emails with just about half reading most of the messages.
If you want to successfully convert your leads into sales your business needs to have a regular email marketing schedule in addition to your other online strategies. Here are five tips on creating a winning message that your audience will want to open and read:
● Focus on the latest needs of your readers – Find out through target market research and on social media the pressing questions that your customers are asking. Use tools such as Hootsuite and Twitter Advanced Search as well as content tools like Topsy and Paper.li to learn the latest trends in your industry. Your business emails should focus on answering these questions in a way that is fresh, relevant, and valuable.
● Keep it simple – Take advantage of the professional templates your email service provider creates and customize your own unique brand message with short, concise, and easy to follow copy. Include eye-catching graphics and/or video to capture their attention right away, especially for mobile readers. The less content the better. If you have a strong offer provide include a link to that in your message like this example from Hubspot:
● Choose one message topic at a time – In order to avoid any confusion for the reader try not to include all of your news and updates in one email. If your business has several announcements or campaigns going on at once break them up into a series of emails that your readers can look forward to receiving each week or month.
● Segment according to the target market – As a business grows so do the product offerings or services. Each time something new arises it is good practice to segment your subscribers into separate lists. That way your emails are more focused on an interested group who have already participated in a signup or purchase. This also helps to improve the click-thru rates of your messages.
● Track your progress – Each month take an inventory of how many emails are being opened, the bounce rates, and which subjects are garnering the most interest. This will enable your business to create better email marketing campaigns in the future that your readers desire the most.
When your business includes a consistent, and focused email strategy both your website traffic and conversions will start to increase. It may take a little time to dial in the right topics, but after a few campaigns you will be able to better understand the needs of your market.
Susan Gilbert
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