Turn your website into a Social Customer Service hub

When we have issues we tend to look for solutions outside of our company, but often that’s not a good move. In fact, most of the times either problems and solutions lie within the company.
However we just don’t realize it since we are distracted by sense of urgency.
When it comes to customer service, the best way to prevent/mitigate issues is to adopt a continuous improvement approach aimed at finding inner solutions and building customer engagement in order to get their constant feedback.
Help customers before they ask for your help
If you want to stand out from your competitors you have to take care of each detail to provide outstanding customer service. So the first thing to do is be proactive – offer information and solutions before being asked by customers. A powerful tool to start form is your company’s website, particularly the ‘contact us’ page.
Actually it is present in almost every website but few brands take full advantage of it. Some include email and phone details, others also add social media, but only a few smart companies have understood the importance of facilitating customers access to essential information such as
That’s why you have to answer both questions even before customers ask them! That means:
- Including all relevant information in one page
- Reduce the number of clicks to get to the contact page (ideally just 1 from the home page)
- Using the page also to GET crucial information for your company (i.e. customer feedback)
Build a service ‘hub’ within your website [case study]
Last week, while I was working on a client’s report, I came across ANZ’s website, the biggest bank in Australia. I immediately noticed and appreciated their contact us page because it contains all the above mentioned points.
From the top right section of the home page, customers may get straight to the contact us page, where they find an ‘online help’ link to get to answers to all frequently asked questions (FAQs). Just below, is a directory containing all phone numbers, including those to be dialed by customers abroad and needing urgently to speak with bank representatives.
In the middle section of the page, customers have three different options to send a note to the bank. I have to say that ANZ was very smart to also include the feedback form right in that area, so that they can get suggestions or complaints from their customers more easily.
Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. – Winston Churchill
Finally, in the bottom section of the contact us page there is other useful information and contact channels available for customers:
- A link to all bank branches addresses → enabling prospects and customers to know where they can find the nearest one (thus avoiding any wasting of time to ask the bank for it).
- The social handles of the bank → for those who prefer getting in touch via digital channels, especially via mobile (smartphone and tablets easily allow to do it).
Final thoughts
Start delivering excellent Social Customer Service by turning your company’s website into a self-service information area. Drastically reduce the number of avoidable calls (FAQs) and constantly strive to make customers lives easier.
Then, take care of each interaction regardless the channel: customer loyalty is built brick by brick.
Have good conversations.
Image attribution – featured: Unspash.com
Lead Image: Copyright: ‘http://www.123rf.com/profile_macrovector’ / 123RF Stock Photo
Paolo Fabrizio
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