The New Generation of SEO Marketing

SEO strategies changed once search algorithms adopted conversational style queries and we now have a new generation how people search and the SERPs (search engine result pages) dish up the results. Both social media and mobile have allowed consumers to take the lead when it comes to how information is found. As new platforms such…
How To Leverage the Latest Content Marketing Trends

A well-planned content marketing strategy can bring significant growth for your business online. This includes combining social media, search engine marketing, and blogging for more leads and sales. Original articles that meet the needs of your audience combined with the right connections are just the beginning to a successful strategy. According to a study by…
How to Create Content That Will Hold People’s Attention

With people having such short attention spans these days, every content marketer is trying to figure out how to create content that will hold people’s attention. In today’s post, I’ll show you just how to do this. But first let me remind you about what I taught you last time. In my last post, How Content…
Curatti Best Articles of 2015 – Part 2

2015 has been and gone, and we now welcome 2016 into our lives. May it be the best year yet for you and yours. Once again, we’d like to offer a big thank you to all of our readers and advocates. And of course, we’d like to thank our great writers, who make Curatti what…
Curatti Best Articles of 2015 – Part 1

As 2015 draws to an end, all of us at Curatti would like to offer a big thank you to all of our readers and advocates. More than anyone, however, we’d like to thank our great writers, who make this site what it is. Happy New Year to all! Here is Part One of a…
Why You Should Use Forward Links

For•ward•link•ing – v. the act of inserting links to newer posts into older posts. Ok, full disclosure time… that’s not a real word. I made it up. But, bear with me… it’s worth learning about just the same! Conceptually, it’s quite simple, and based on the ideas of Backlinking and Deep Linking. Backlinks are when…
7 SEO Trends You Need to Know Now

Even though search engine optimization (SEO) is less than 20 years old, it has evolved quite a number of times and still continues to do so. For example, Google’s search algorithms are updated on a continual basis, bringing changes that brands of all sizes must adapt to, if they want to stay in business. In this article,…
Use the Right Keywords for More Traffic and Leads

Getting found in search is a top priority for any business these days. The right keywords are an essential part of this success, but search terms that are too broad will not get noticed. While using tools like Google AdWords is good practice, your business can go a lot farther by discovering exactly what questions…
Understanding The Psychology of the Web Searcher

“Real search is about providing valuable information when it’s really needed to those who are actually looking for it.” ― David Amerland Analytics are fundamental when it comes to allowing marketers to see where their website visitors come from, as well as what search terms brought them there. And don’t fall into the trap of thinking…
Build Authentic Website Referrals for Your Business

After checking your Google Analytics account your business might be amazed to see a significant increase in website traffic under your “Referral traffic”. Unfortunately many of these are generated from bad spots or spam referrals, which can hinder your growth online. What exactly is Referer spam? Wikipedia defines it as: “A kind of spamdexing (spamming…
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