How to Play Around With Google Suggest to Come Up with Content Ideas

[Updated November 1, 2022] Google is pretty much the only search engine that matters. Yes, others may be used more in certain regions, such as Baidu (with around 8% of overall usage, followed by Bing at 7%, according to Smart Insights). But even with those and other search engines, Google takes more than 77% of…
How to Create a Successful Expert Roundup Article

Expert roundup articles have been around for ages but they have been increasingly popular lately. The thing about roundup posts is that they are both industry and topic specific. So an overabundance of them isn’t exactly a burden. On the contrary, an expert roundup is a much more effective way of standing out from the…
10 Artificial Intelligence Tools That Are Integral to the B2B Sales World

AI is integrating ever deeper into even small companies. So much so that there are new Artificial Intelligence Tools coming to market seemingly daily. You can use it to streamline your B2B sales processes in real-time. Although big corporations first embraced the concept of AI, it’s becoming a trend used by many small businesses to…
Have You Switched To DuckDuckGo? Here’s Why You Should Consider It

Google is such an ingrained part of our lives, it wouldn’t even cross the minds of most of us to stop using it. I know I resisted! But I hope this article at least gives you food for thought that maybe its time to change. My recommendation is DuckDuckGo. As concisely as I can, I…
Why Social Signals Are Important To Search Engine Ranking

Does Google search factor in our social media activity? Currently, their algorithm does not directly measure your networks. But it does pick up on social signals, which are generated from conversations, shares, retweets, and content. Any links that are included with your marketing have the potential to be clicked on and shared. Thus, they create…
How to Optimize Your Website for Voice Searches

You know something has crossed over from early adopters to the mainstream when you hear your parents shout (because they cannot use a smartphone in a normal speaking voice), “Hey Siri” (or Alexa or Cortana). It’s a clear indicator that voice search is increasing in use. Did you know that 20% of all mobile searches…
A Beginner’s Guide to Optimizing Your Business Blog for Search Engines

Almost every business with an online presence has a blog. However, many business owners seem to jump on this bandwagon simply because they are expected to provide one. They do it without giving the promotion, content, and development of the business blog much thought. At best, they assign some hapless subordinate to post random facts…
Mobile-First Indexing: What Google Wants You To Know

Google added another chapter in their efforts to deliver a better user experience. And this time, the focus is on mobile users. Back in 2015, mobile internet usage surpassed desktop usage. This was a landmark shift, and the search engine giant knew exactly what it needed to do to deliver a better experience. This was…
E-commerce Smarts: Driving Long-Tail SEO

In the competitive world of e-commerce and online marketing, every brand wants to get in front of as many eyeballs as possible. But what about getting in front of the right eyeballs? You know, the ones that will actually convert. While any e-commerce SEO strategy should include plenty of keywords with large search volumes, it’s…
How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact SEO and Search

Artificial Intelligence is changing SEO and therefore search. Shelly Kramer details how these changes are taking shape. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. The AI Impact on Search There is no shortage of topics to discuss when we’re talking about artificial intelligence (AI). It’s hot for a good reason: AI changes the…
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