How to Use Social Media to Improve Link Building

Social media is not typically associated with SEO. But its benefits, where marketing is concerned, extend to your website. The right approaches will provide you with social media and link building strategies that work in unison. In turn, these could deliver increased site visits, brand awareness, authority, engagement, and sales. So, despite what you might…
How To Build A Facebook Group With 1k+ Members (6 Best Practices)

As a business owner, it’s challenging to figure out the most effective social media avenues you should invest in and focus on. More importantly, which forum ensures greater reach and a good ROI? When comparing social media platforms, each one offers potential opportunities to connect with your customer base. And when it comes to engagement…
How to Use LinkedIn to Become a Thought Leader in Your Niche

LinkedIn now has 660+ million users in over 200 countries and territories worldwide zhat’s twice the population of the United States on one social media platform. If you’re a professional looking to build a personal brand or branch out as a thought leader in your niche, then LinkedIn represents serious opportunity. Being a thought leader…
Get The Most Out Of Social Media Groups for Your Business

The new way to reach your target audience on social media is through building authentic relationships. Groups are a good place to start because the people there share a common goal, and can help each other in a much more enjoyable, organic, and rewarding way. In order to have more influence, your business needs to…
Get More Exposure for Your Business with Online Groups

Would you like to see more interactions on your blog and on social media? Have the latest algorithm changes online affected your business’s reach and sales? You can attract more loyal and targeted fans and followers by joining and interacting with professional niche groups on social media. LinkedIn in particular has skyrocketed in website referral…
Using LinkedIn to Become a Networking Superstar

As the Internet buzzes with social media activity, knowing where to network can be a challenge. While LinkedIn is still viewed by many as an online resume (huge mistake btw!) – it lives at the top of my list for professional networking. Not spending any time on LinkedIn? Let me tell you why you should. LinkedIn operates the world’s…
Savvy Podcasting Tips for Small Business Owners

Savvy Tips From the Pros to Market Your Small Business Through Podcasting According to The Infinite Dial, a research study from Edison Research, 39 million Americans listened to a podcast in the last month. Podcasts reach an engaged audience who have easy access to listen on demand on their mobile devices and in their cars.…
Curatti Best Articles of 2014 – Part 3

As we approach the end of our first full year online, we wanted to pay homage to each of our authors by resharing one of their original articles from 2014, along with a brief curation of each. These are presented alphabetically, by first name, and split over 3 days. (In each instance, you can click on…
How to Leverage LinkedIn Groups to Boost Your Online Presence

LinkedIn is one of the most popular and enduring of social media sites. Through the second quarter of 2014, LinkedIn boasted users in 200 countries, with 300 million users worldwide and 100 million in the United States alone. Every month, 187 million unique visitors go to LinkedIn, and 2 of every 5 LinkedIn users go to the site…