How User Behavior Analytics Can Improve Your Conversions

In another epic article, Shane Barker shows how User Behavior Analytics can improve your business conversions. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. 5 Ways User Behavior Analytics Can Improve Your Conversions Like every other business, you want to improve your conversions. But the problem is you’re not sure how…
4 Industries Benefiting From The Internet Of Things

In this article, Greg Satell (aka Digital Tonto) discusses industries affected by Internet of Things innovation. It is a departure from our usual content, but a perfect weekend read for all geeks. We’re always wondering when these innovations will affect our own business. For now, it remains interesting to see it in action elsewhere. This…
Generation C: The ¨Tsunami¨ of Independent Entrepreneurship

Today, there is a real boom in entrepreneurship. Co-working spaces are emerging all over the world.. The American giant, We Work already count 75 offices facilities around the world, and will soon open offices in Montreal. Co-working spaces are actually only one of quite a number of new services aimed directly at entrepreneurs, freelancers and…
Improve Your Customer Reach Through Target Market Research

Would you like to hone your customer reach strategies and find the most interested prospects for your business without a lot of guesswork? With a great target market research game plan, you can. You just need to find out who exactly your audience is and what matters to them the most. As you gain an…
What Is Data Journalism? Do You Need It?

The Internet has made it possible for everyone to access data easily. Whether you want to know how much the Ex-PM of Italy is paying his wife in alimony (recently reduced from 3 million Euro a month to a mere 1.4m, that’s how much), what a particularly frugal British princess wore in 1983, 1991 and…
Social Media is Good for Business – Here’s Why

I was doing a talk recently on the correlations between Facebook likes and personality traits when someone put their hand up and said: ‘so what?’ What does this mean – what does it matter to the average business that Facebook likes can indicate a person’s personality? It got me thinking about how to better communicate…
Why Facebook Knows Us Better Than We Know Ourselves

I saw the movie Her not too long ago and it left an impression. The whole idea of Joaquin Phoenix falling in love with his computer’s operating system, which turns out to be “someone” who understands him better than anyone else, makes me wonder if we are headed towards a similar future? While the movie…
Social Media Insights and Monitoring on a Startup Budget

By Shelly Kramer So a month (or several) ago I had my great friend Wendy Scherer of The Social Studies Group on the #V3Live Videochat Show. The topic we discussed was one that pretty much everyone is interested in — Maximizing Social Media Monitoring and Insights on a Startup Budget. I mean, who doesn’t want…
The Un-geeking of Data

Data un-geeked This isn’t going to be easy! I’m going to attempt to explain two important factors in Data Analysis – the decomposition and normalization of Data – in such a way that people who are freaked out by this stuff can grasp and appreciate. Whereas I don’t expect that too many of you will…
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