6 Essential Ingredients of a Successful Blog Post

If you were expecting your family over for dinner, and you decided to prepare your specialty (yes, that delicious creme brûlée everyone loves), you’d first go over the checklist of ingredients to make sure you have everything you need. Well, the same principle applies when writing your blog. That is – if you want it…
What Marketers Need to Know About Social Media Marketing: The Movie

Have you seen Social Media Marketing: The Movie yet? If not, you should. I made the movie because I wanted to explore how businesses can use social media to boost their brand online. To that end, I sat down with several key influencers in digital strategy. They shared some insights I hadn’t thought about before.…
How to Effectively Use Storytelling to Attract a Larger Following Online

In order to be successful with your website and on social media your business needs to offer great storytelling content that connects with your audience in order to establish a trusted and authoritative brand online. This is the key to selling your product or service. If that isn’t happening then the missing link is inside…
5 Reasons Why Blog Content Should be a Part of Your Marketing Strategy

You know this by now, but it doesn’t hurt to say it again – content is the most important part of your digital marketing strategy. We’ll tell you why in a minute. It’s true that the hype has recently shifted from text-based content to video. However, it doesn’t mean you should second-guess the relevance of…
B2B Content Marketing Mastery: Optimize Creativity & Conversion Rate

Content creation is by far the most important B2B marketing tactic. It has two basic purposes – to boost website traffic and increase conversion rate. According to the research, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing but generates about three times as many leads. However, it’s not easy to achieve these goals in the…
5 Ways to Your Measure Content Marketing Success

A little back-to-basics piece around Content Marketing.
How to Turn Your Blog Into a Lead Generation Machine

As a small business owner, one of your main ongoing goals is (or should be) to continue bringing in new leads with the hope of expanding your customer base. Strangely enough, we’ve reached a dichotomy of sorts. It has never been easier to reach out to potential leads – but it’s also never been more…
How to Blog Successfully and Stay Fresh While Working Full Time

Let’s get one thing straight: Blogging is WORK. It’s not a leisurely stroll in the park. If you are blogger and you are working full time, it can be a daunting task some days. You really must be careful not to let yourself get burned out. Therefore, you may find yourself doing the same thing…
Guest Blogging Guidelines: How We Compiled Ours

All blogs that accept guest posts have some form of guest blogging guidelines. And all would-be guest bloggers have to navigate them. Ours have evolved slowly and will no doubt be changed more. A Little Background On Our Guest Blogging Guidelines A lot of the reason our guidelines are what they are is because I’m…
Is There Truly An Ideal Article Length? We Think Not!

Let’s Finally Put the Ideal Article Length Debate to Rest When it comes to marketing to the B2B crowd, what is the ideal article length? This is a question that has plagued marketing writers since blog posts became a thing. Some say longer posts are king while others say shorter posts reign supreme. Who’s right?…
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