5 Ways to Reboot Your Brand’s Content Marketing Strategy

When you’re dealing with marketing and building your brand, you need to think big and stay current. There are new trends and updates you could adopt and it’s your task to keep your eyes wide open looking for ways to improve. Just like everything else, your content marketing strategy needs to keep up with the…
Guest Blogger Outreach: Here’s What Not To Do (And Some Tips)

I get it. You want to further your blogging career by way of guest blogging. It’s a great way to get in front of a new audience. And of course, if your article meets the requirements of the blog you pitch, it’s good for them also, as they have some excellent content to publish. There…
7 Things No Editor Wants To See In Your Guest Contributor Pitch

Link building is huge at the moment. So, many people send guest posts pitches to authoritative websites to get backlinks. Yet, some people do it wrong, making things harder for everyone. Either they don’t know how to write their cold openers or they just don’t pay enough attention to important details, thus making mistakes that…
How to Use Guest Blogging to Build Your Business

If you are a business owner with a blog, have you thought about blogging on more than your own website? It can be very beneficial to you and an integral part of how you do business. Whether you have or haven’t, keep reading to find out all about guest blogging and how it can help…
Maximizing The Conversion Opportunities You Were Probably Missing

There is a myriad of conversion opportunities that most websites and apps don’t fully exploit. Opportunities that are right there, on your pages, but you haven’t recognized them yet. This article will help you find some areas of your app or website that can dramatically increase conversions… with a little help from you. So read…
9 Tips for Writing Killer Website Content

If we think about it, websites are what landline phones were over a decade ago. They provided a means for a company to get in touch with their customers and/or partners. And they providing credibility, in the process. This doesn’t mean that phones no longer do that, because they do. But websites do it better.…
Top 5 Steps to Craft a Blog Content Strategy

After a relatively sluggish start, blogging gained popularity quickly during the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. Since then, we’ve been witnessing a sort of revolution where countless individuals have made a name for themselves. Inevitably, the issue of quality over quantity was put into focus as more people started using blogs Businesses, in particular, realized…
A Beginner’s Guide to Optimizing Your Business Blog for Search Engines

Almost every business with an online presence has a blog. However, many business owners seem to jump on this bandwagon simply because they are expected to provide one. They do it without giving the promotion, content, and development of the business blog much thought. At best, they assign some hapless subordinate to post random facts…
Top 4 Reasons to Hire Professional Content Writers for Your Business

Your business has a hot new prospect. Everyone is brainstorming the killer content strategy that will win the account. So far though, no one seems to have a clear vision as to the best direction. Why do you think that is? Are they losing their game or is there something more profound to it? Whoever runs a…
9 Easy To Fix About Page Mistakes Costing Your Brand

Truth be told, most businesses About Us pages suck. That’s unfortunate, to say the least, as the About Page is the second most popular page on a website after the home page. In a recent usability study conducted by KoMarketing, 52% of respondents said they want to see “About” information on a home page! If…
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