Category: Lead Gen

Jericho Gonzales
January 3, 2019

A New Marketing Funnel Is Taking Over [Infographic]

The New Marketing Funnel

A new marketing funnel is taking over, and it’s completely different from the one you are or were familiar with. For decades, marketers patterned and built their strategies on the linear funnel where there’s only one entrance (brand awareness) and exit (conversion) point throughout the purchasing journey. The primary goal was to acquire leads and…

Jan Gordon
January 2, 2019

Curatti Best Articles of 2018 – Part Two

Curatti Thank You

How has 2018 changed things for you? Have the trends so boldly proclaimed in last year’s forecast articles come to fruition? Have you decided to take a new direction for any reason? (Please tell us in the comments section!) For us, the year was over far too quickly – like a blur. We cut back…

Junald Ali Qureshi
December 20, 2018

5 Reliable Tips to Turn Your Online Store into a Lead Generation Engine

Turn Your Online Store Into a Lead Generation Engine

Experts do not always agree on lead generation strategies. Indeed, online marketing undergoes trends like all other branches of marketing. Every online store manager must create an identity through marketing if s/he wants to stand out from the competition Every website needs to be optimized for lead generation. However, it’s not enough just to add…

Pawan Sahu
July 23, 2018

How To Build The Perfect Website Landing Page

Build The Perfect Landing Page

A good landing page is crucial to the success of your online business. Having a good landing page offers a sure-fire means for increasing your conversion rates. In opposition to the traditional homepage, a landing page is much more focused and operates to achieve a single objective. It is basically designed to deliver what the customer…

David Gutierrez
May 23, 2018

E-commerce Smarts: Driving Long-Tail SEO

Long-tail keywords for e-commerce

In the competitive world of e-commerce and online marketing, every brand wants to get in front of as many eyeballs as possible. But what about getting in front of the right eyeballs? You know, the ones that will actually convert. While any e-commerce SEO strategy should include plenty of keywords with large search volumes, it’s…

Shelly Kramer
May 14, 2018

3 Ways Marketers Can Use Social AI For Lead Generation

Social AI For Lead Generation

Artificial Intelligence’s impact on marketing continues to gain speed. In this article, Shelly Kramer looks at the early steps of Social AI and how it can boost Lead Generation. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Social AI For Lead Generation Marketers use social in a variety of ways, from searching for social…

David Gutierrez
May 1, 2018

How To Improve Your Lead Generation With Video Marketing

Video Marketing for Better Lead Gen

The goal of any marketing campaign is, in the long run, to generate more leads and drive new sales. Practice shows that video content is far more engaging in these respects than typical text ads. However, even if you actively use video as a part of your marketing toolset, chances are you don’t squeeze everything…

Stewart Dunlop
April 16, 2018

How to Turn Your Blog Into a Lead Generation Machine

Turn Your Blog Into a Lead Generation Machine

As a small business owner, one of your main ongoing goals is (or should be) to continue bringing in new leads with the hope of expanding your customer base. Strangely enough, we’ve reached a dichotomy of sorts. It has never been easier to reach out to potential leads – but it’s also never been more…

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