Category: Digital Marketing

Bryan Kramer
May 24, 2018

Why Digital Transformation Needs To Maintain A Human Touch

Digital Transformation Needs To Maintain A Human Touch

Digital Transformation continues to gain velocity. But even as technology takes over many tasks, it’s important that a Human touch is retained. This thought-provoking article by Bryan Kramer s another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Maintain A Human Touch in Digital Transformation A few years ago, experts were trumpeting that the future…

David Gutierrez
May 23, 2018

E-commerce Smarts: Driving Long-Tail SEO

Long-tail keywords for e-commerce

In the competitive world of e-commerce and online marketing, every brand wants to get in front of as many eyeballs as possible. But what about getting in front of the right eyeballs? You know, the ones that will actually convert. While any e-commerce SEO strategy should include plenty of keywords with large search volumes, it’s…

Jan Gordon
May 17, 2018

Quick Tips For Smart Content Curation

Quick Guide To Content Curation

With the wealth of Data supporting the value of Content Marketing, even those who do not currently leverage its value, are under no doubt as to its importance. As experienced writers are all too aware, it’s almost impossible to write truly unique content. That said, we must all inject something in our articles that draws…

Susan Gilbert
May 16, 2018

12 Tools To Improve Instagram Marketing, Subscribers and Websites

Instagram Marketing, Blog Subscribers and Wordpress Plugins

The following is made up of 3 “Monday Tips” articles, each of which talks about 4 helpful tools and resources around a specific area of your business. Today, the subjects are: Instagram marketing tools Subscriber tools for blogs WordPress plugins Power up Your Instagram Marketing With These 4 Mobile Apps 1) Better quality images –…

Jan Gordon
May 3, 2018

Here’s How To Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing Strategy

If you are a digital marketing professional, you can spot grandiose claims a mile off. These days it’s almost impossible to trick a customer (not that you should even want to). And you also can’t brand yourself differently to the actual quality of your service/product. Being on the receiving end of every type of marketing…

Susan Gilbert
May 2, 2018

This Is Why You Need to Narrow Your Marketing Focus

Narrow Your Marketing Focus

Is your business spinning its wheels with every popular social media marketing platform? Narrow Your Marketing Focus! After losing traction, you may have been spending more money in your budget than you have wanted to on advertising. But you can still succeed in reaching an audience by focusing on the right methods without the need…

Victoria Greene
April 25, 2018

What Your Website Imagery Is Really Saying About Your Business

What Does Your Website Imagery Say About Your Business?

First impressions count. And when it comes to web design, you’ve got a matter of moments to make that impression stick. Either that or your new visitor will be just one more increment on your bounce metric. In general, when someone visits a website for the first time, they make their initial evaluation based almost…

Anthony Bergs
April 24, 2018

6 Ways Blockchain Can Help Your Digital Marketing

Blockchain and Digital Marketing

Presently, concerns regarding privacy and data-security are at all-time high. While people are becoming more aware and have their guards up about the data they share online, advertisers also prioritize brand security above anything else. These potential data-security & information breaches can be eliminated if businesses start using blockchain for their digital marketing efforts. Blockchain…

Myron Monets
April 23, 2018

How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Can Be Used for Marketing

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) has already become highly disruptive, with technology directly impacting almost every domain of industry. Here are a just a few examples of the pervasive usage of artificial intelligence in our modern business ecosystems: Self-driving cars Automated manufacturing processes Image recognition applications AI enabled supply chain management Machine learning enabled marketing The demand…

Susan Gilbert
April 18, 2018

12 Tools For Lead Generation, Infographic Creation, and Images

Tools For Lead Generation, Infographic Creation and Images

The following is made up of 3 “Monday Tips” articles, each of which talks about 4 helpful tools and resources around a specific area of your business. Today, the subjects are: Lead Generation Tools Resources to Create Infographics Image Tools 4 Tools That Will Power Up Your Lead Generation 1) Understand your target audience –…

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