How to Advance Your Content Marketing Career
Let’s cut to the chase. As the volume of content continues to increase year-on-year, so does the demand for qualified content writers. And what happens when demand increases? Potential remuneration increases. And that’s good news for those thinking about (or already embarking on) a content marketing career. Last year, a marketing executive report by Conductor…
How to Optimize Your Website for Voice Searches
You know something has crossed over from early adopters to the mainstream when you hear your parents shout (because they cannot use a smartphone in a normal speaking voice), “Hey Siri” (or Alexa or Cortana). It’s a clear indicator that voice search is increasing in use. Did you know that 20% of all mobile searches…
A Beginner’s Guide to Optimizing Your Business Blog for Search Engines
Almost every business with an online presence has a blog. However, many business owners seem to jump on this bandwagon simply because they are expected to provide one. They do it without giving the promotion, content, and development of the business blog much thought. At best, they assign some hapless subordinate to post random facts…
The Hottest Social Media Marketing Tools [Infographic]
In terms of reliability and consistency, social media is the most stable avenue for brand exposure the world has ever known. People whole-heartedly incorporate social media into their everyday lives. And that opens up an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to connect with their target demographics. In the USA, more than $14.8 billion was spent on…
How to Best Connect with Influencers
Has your business made the right connections with important influencers in your niche yet? These are the online voices who have the ability to reach audiences and compel them to take action based on their advice and recommendations. Leaders like these have invested time and effort over a long period to build trust and authority.…
Birbahadur Singh Kathayat
July 10, 2018
7 Trends That Will Transform Online Business In The Future
With the unleashing of emerging cutting-edge technologies, almost every aspect of our society will see a transformation. New technologies will have a huge impact on the way online business will be carried out in 2018 and beyond. Modern technological systems such as ERP and CRM are highly capable of boosting productivity and reducing costs by…
5 Customer Service Trends You Shouldn’t Miss
Yesterday, I asked Milan Malpensa airport for some information because my mom will travel soon and needs special assistance. As I wanted a quick response, I used Twitter because they provide support thru the account @MiAirports. I have to say that it was great! In just 6 minutes I got their answer avoiding any ‘waiting…
A Step by Step Guide to Creating a Profitable Coupon Blog
Editor’s note: This article is off-niche. A special holiday-week post. We hope that it inspires readers seeking ways of monetizing – whether they go the coupon route or not. You surely didn’t think about a coupon blog. So what other forms of monetization might you also have overlooked? Create Your Profitable Coupon Blog Have you…
Top 4 Reasons to Hire Professional Content Writers for Your Business
Your business has a hot new prospect. Everyone is brainstorming the killer content strategy that will win the account. So far though, no one seems to have a clear vision as to the best direction. Why do you think that is? Are they losing their game or is there something more profound to it? Whoever runs a…
Drooping Customer Engagement? Social Media To The Rescue
Customer retention and repeat purchases don’t have to be a myth. All your customers, or at least 80% of them, are merely hungry for a personalized experience. If you can give them that, you can crack the code to higher engagement. As for the channel of engagement, while a blog and a customer support team…
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