Raymond Morin
January 13, 2016

Uberisation and the New Economy

First there was GAFA, Now there is NATU Over the last two years, we saw the four giants of the Web and social media (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) literally take control of the new economy. The weight of GAFA is now determinant on Wall Street, and their market capitalization exceeds those of major brands…

Susan Gilbert
January 11, 2016

How Lead Scoring Can Qualify Potential Clients for More Sales

Your business may have a large number of leads in your database, but many of these prospects may be a hard sell without the right research. This is where lead scoring comes in, which helps you better determine more precisely a potential buyer’s interest. Marketo puts it this way: “Leads are scored based on interest…

Katy Blevins
January 10, 2016

The Evolution of the Social Media Management Model

Keeping pace with social media trends is no longer optional for today’s business owner. Across every industry, most of us would agree that our long-term success is intrinsically tied to our ability to drive conversion rates by authentically engaging our audience. It’s what keeps us up at night and keeps us questioning all day long.…

Ron Sela
January 7, 2016

A new era of B2B content marketing has begun with the advent of account-based marketing. This B2B marketing strategy empowers you with the best possible return on your investment, along with driving enhanced sustainability and profitability over time. Account-based marketing (ABM) is also popularly referred to as key account marketing, where a business identifies and…

Bryan Kramer
January 6, 2016

Use These 7 Steps to Build Your Personal Brand

You know the importance of promoting your company to develop a solid base of loyal followers. But how much time and effort do you dedicate to building your personal brand? You do have one. It’s what people associate you with; it’s why your personal and professional network seeks you out for information. And you do…

Scott Aughtmon
January 5, 2016

How to Create Content That Will Hold People’s Attention

With people having such short attention spans these days, every content marketer is trying to figure out how to create content that will hold people’s attention. In today’s post, I’ll show you just how to do this. But first let me remind you about what I taught you last time. In my last post, How Content…

Susan Gilbert
January 4, 2016

Get Five-Star Reviews On Amazon

If your business is selling products and/or books online then you need to pay attention to customer reviews in order to stand out from the crowd. This is especially true if you’re selling on Amazon, which the world’s largest online retailer. According to a new study featured on Moz, 67 percent of buyers make a…

Albert Qian
January 3, 2016

Predictions for Technology and Business in 2016

With 2015 now behind us, it’s time to look ahead to next year. There’s much to look to, including the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, the United States Presidential Election, and a host of Hollywood blockbuster superhero films. Technology will be a major participant in each. What those technologies will be is going to be…

Jan Gordon
December 31, 2015

Curatti Best Articles of 2015 – Part 2

2015 has been and gone, and we now welcome 2016 into our lives. May it be the best year yet for you and yours. Once again, we’d like to offer a big thank you to all of our readers and advocates. And of course, we’d like to thank our great writers, who make Curatti what…

Jenn Herman
December 30, 2015

Focus Your Business With A Solid Social Media Strategy

As we approach the end of another year, many business owners are reflecting on the past year and analyzing their marketing efforts. You’re probably one of them. If you’re not, you should be! And one of the things you should be looking at is your social media strategy. How well did social media perform for…

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