Post: How to Avoid the Most Common Product Page Design Mistakes

Getting your target audience to convert into loyal customers of your business takes a lot of work. And the process consists of multiple complex steps, from capturing your potential customer’s attention to getting them to engage with your brand to finally convincing them to click the “Buy” button. Admittedly, there are many ways to optimize…
Post: 8 Common Homepage Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Web design is a form of art that aims to give visitors an enjoyable, friction-free experience when browsing a website. However, there are still so many businesses out there with poorly designed websites, and that is definitely hurting their conversions. Designing a website can be an intimidating task, especially for startups and small businesses. There…
Post: 6 Video Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid to Get Better ROI

Video marketing utilizes conventional marketing copy and turns it into engaging video content that people love. Marketers have used this strategy to increase their conversion rates effectively. Video marketing is an ideal strategy for online campaigns. That’s because 82% of internet traffic is now equipped with video content, suggesting that more people consume videos compared to…
Post: The Top 6 Link Building Mistakes We Might Be Making

Link building is one of the oldest digital marketing strategies out there. So are we writing about something so old? Perhaps the real question is: if it’s “old,” why are people having such a hard time doing it? In fact, a lot of marketers might be using what they think are effective link building methods,…
Post: 7 Content Writing Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Unlike other types of marketing, content marketing is focused more on meeting and anticipating the customer’s already existing need for information. The focus here is not to create demand for a need. Several years ago, James O’Brien from Contently said: “The idea central to content marketing is that a brand must give something valuable to get…
Post: 9 Easy To Fix About Page Mistakes Costing Your Brand

Truth be told, most businesses About Us pages suck. That’s unfortunate, to say the least, as the About Page is the second most popular page on a website after the home page. In a recent usability study conducted by KoMarketing, 52% of respondents said they want to see “About” information on a home page! If…
Post: 6 Mistakes That May Be Sabotaging Your Content Marketing

Content is the soul of your marketing campaign. Without a proper content strategy in place, it is difficult to generate leads and conversions. Around 64% of marketers believe that their content marketing is moderately or minimally effective. These statistics indicate that many marketers are yet to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Here we…
Post: 11 Instagram Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Instagram Mistakes To Avoid Instagram may not have Facebook’s popularity, but it does have the “cool” factor, with 59 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 29 using the service. For advertisers, that age group has always been a goldmine, since they’re forming brand loyalties that will last well into old age. But…
Post: 9 Mistakes That Even Experienced Bloggers Make

Blogging is a tough but rewarding occupation when done correctly. The most experienced bloggers can attest to that. It’s a long process that also involves making mistakes and learning from them. Some people immediately know that they want to start a blog and make money. Others take a bit more time to figure out what they…
Post: How To Avoid These 4 Innovation Mistakes

This article by Greg Satell (aka Digital Tonto) once again looks at innovation – this time, detailing four common mistakes people make. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. 4 Innovation Mistakes One of the things that startup guru Steve Blank likes to say is that no business plan survives…
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