9 Tips for Writing Killer Website Content

If we think about it, websites are what landline phones were over a decade ago. They provided a means for a company to get in touch with their customers and/or partners. And they providing credibility, in the process. This doesn’t mean that phones no longer do that, because they do. But websites do it better. In other words, a website is a necessity for almost any company out there.
Statistics show that a typical B2B customer is 57% into their buyer’s journey before they even come in direct contact with the supplier. This means that once a potential customer or partner contacts you, chances are that they already looked through your website to get a feel about your business, how you engage in your work, what your company’s culture is like, etc. The quality of your content will, thus, be a deciding factor between that customer actually contacting you or not.
Here are nine tips on how to write killer website content and incentivize future customers to do business with you.
1. The 80/20 Headline Rule
80% of your audience will read only the headline while only 20% will go on to read the article. While there isn’t any conclusive evidence to prove these exact numbers, the rule, itself, should not be discounted. We’ve all been there – scrolling through our social media wall and only reading the headlines and captions.
2. Don’t Be Cliché
Trending topics will seem like a smooth ride, but they aren’t. If an item is trending, it means that the story has been told, repeated, written and rewritten in almost every conceivable way. Unless you have a unique perspective, it’s probably best to focus your attention elsewhere.
3. Be Concise
Less is more.
4. Provide Value
Every article you write needs to provide your audience with enough value to be sharable. In other words, your readers need to feel that their time reading your article was time well spent. Add practical tips and tricks wherever appropriate, or provide a different perspective on things.
5. Evoke an Emotional Response
Nothing slips out of someone’s mind faster than something that doesn’t arouse some feeling. It’s pretty well-known that memory strongly links to emotion and if your story doesn’t grab people in some way, they’ll quickly forget about ever reading.
6. Make it Evergreen
While some current events are so important that they cannot be ignored, try your best to make them as timely as possible, so they don’t become immediately dated. The idea is to write compelling stories that are easily found by search engines without needing to be updated.
7. Recycle
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you write a story. With some touch-ups here and there, as well as some new information (if applicable), some of your older posts can be brought into the spotlight once again.
8. Personalize
Granted, you already know your audience and what they are all about. You should tailor your content to suit their wants and needs; likes and dislikes. So, next time you write a piece of content do it with your audience in mind. Write it as if you were preparing something for your very best customer. To get a better idea about your audience, use analytics software and keep an eye on the comment sections.
9. Use Your Readers’ Input
Consider creating a sort of digital venue where you can host your audience in an open discussion. This venue doesn’t need to be anything too out of the ordinary. It could be as simple as a Facebook group where your readers or clients can share ideas, open new topics, and discuss various issues among themselves. Use it to get a better idea of what they are interested in, and write your content based on that.
At Curatti, we help businesses get the most out of their content. We can help you understand your clients better and remain focused on what’s important. Do not let your hard work go to waste. Let’s connect! Two minds are better than one, after all.
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Jan Gordon
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