4 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact The B2B Industry

The artificial intelligence (AI) industry is growing at a rapid pace, with an expected value approaching $60 billion in 2025. Additionally, Gartner predicts that AI will be in almost every software product by 2020. The general public is already familiar with AI in the forms of personal assistants like Siri and Alexa. People reading this…
Navigating Marketing Without Third-Party Cookies

B2Bs have long relied on third-party cookies for marketing. However, major changes from browser developers Mozilla, Apple, and Google will soon change everything. Third-party cookies are data-tracking text files created and placed on a website by a third party, often an advertiser or marketing group. They help advertisers track user activity across the web, rather…
Influencer Marketing for Small Businesses: Does It Make Sense?

Influencer marketing and small business is a match made in heaven. Let’s understand why. What does a small business need to stay competitive? To that, you might say revenue and customers. While that is true to some extent, it’s actually brand trust that is driving business growth these days. Research shows that 67% of customers…
How to Create B2B ToFu Content with the Help of Customer Support

For many B2B businesses, content is their lifeblood. Content helps them bring organic traffic, establishes expertise, and gets them leads. For many others, publishing hundreds of articles isn’t getting them the return they’d hoped to. This begs the question: Is the content you’re creating disconnected from what your customers want from you? This post aims…
How Website Design Influences UX of eCommerce Stores

B2B eCommerce is growing at an astonishing pace. According to the latest Forrester’s research, 74% of B2B buyers make least half of their work purchases online. Moreover, the same study claims that this industry is expected to reach $1.1 trillion by 2020. In such a competitive landscape, it is user experience that can make or…
How AI in Martech Impacts the Customer Journey

If you ask any marketer what their ultimate goal is beyond just improving sales, chances are you will hear them say something about improving the customer experience. After all, these two priorities are tightly related. Dimension Data’s Global CX Benchmarking Report found that 84% of businesses that improved their customer experience saw a direct growth…
Curatti Best Articles of 2020 (And Happy New Year 2021!)

2020 is finally over! How long did it last? Until now, every year of our lives went faster than any before it. Not this one! Goodbye annus horribilis! You’ll never be forgotten! A Quick Summary of 2020 Life changed. The end! Our 2020 Authors This year, we published over 130 articles, some written by old…
Digital Trends to Grow Your SaaS Business in 2021

To maintain business growth, you need to strike a balance between how your SaaS product drives user behavior and keeping an eye on trends. Product developers can sometimes get preoccupied with the former and lose sight of the importance of being intelligently reactive. New technology, disruptive software tools, global events, and gradual changes in user…
The Content Marketing Specialist – The Must Have Secret Weapon for Small Business & Startups

This article isn’t about the importance of content marketing. You should already know it’s one of the most effective and sustainable marketing strategies. No, this article is about the finding and hiring a content marketing specialist. This is the crackerjack operative who finds all the best keyword opportunities, gets killer new sources of quality backlinks,…
10 Artificial Intelligence Tools That Are Integral to the B2B Sales World

AI is integrating ever deeper into even small companies. So much so that there are new Artificial Intelligence Tools coming to market seemingly daily. You can use it to streamline your B2B sales processes in real-time. Although big corporations first embraced the concept of AI, it’s becoming a trend used by many small businesses to…
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