5 Ways to Promote Your Blog Content

Launching a blog has become relatively straightforward in recent years. What you need is a theme and a few words to call your own. Well, a bit more than that is required, but that’s the general idea behind a blog. It should not come as a surprise to anyone that not all blogs are of particularly high quality. However, many provide a lot of value to their readers.
Nevertheless, it takes a bit more than only great writing for a blog to become successful. It also needs to be seen. And for that to happen, you need to give sufficient attention to proper promotion as well. Unfortunately, neither high-quality content nor advertising alone can do the job and make a blog genuinely flourish. They need to work in unison and provide a synergy to generate traffic.
With that said, here are five ways to promote your blog content.
1. Via Email
An excellent way to develop a blog – especially a new one – is to employ email marketing. Send one to your customers and prospects, announcing your new article(s). In this email, you may also provide some explanation as to what they can expect from your blog going forward. That is, announce any upcoming changes. This should include how they will improve their personal or professional life.
By providing them with valuable content, you will start building strong relationships. These, in turn, will increase your brand’s reputation as an expert in your respective industry. You can also use your blog content as a lead nurturing and qualifying tool. Or you can add a snippet of content to your newsletter, alongside a CTA regarding your latest offering.
Just be sure to ask people to subscribe to your email list. Otherwise, they won’t see the great content you send out.
2. Keyword Research
Whenever you have a specific topic in mind, do not forget to do some relevant keyword research. Be sure to naturally insert those keywords into your content. It will help your blog to be found organically through search results.
If you are new to this sort of thing, a bit of trial-and-error may be necessary. Nevertheless, the results will be well worth the effort. A useful tip here is to use keywords that are close but not exactly to what you have to offer.
Exact phrases, such as Content Marketing or SEO, are so competitive, you’ll surely not make the first page of the SERPs. And if you’re foolish enough to pay one of the many outreach emails promising you the first page, you can be sure that status will not be maintained for the most competitive and general keywords.
Ultimately, of course, broad keywords may get you more visitors. But they’ll also boost your bounce rate.
So, drill down a little. Aim your keywords at niche subsets that more closely match your offerings.
3. Guest Posting
Writing a guest post on an industry-relevant blog will provide you with much-needed referral traffic. Ask various influencers and content creators if you can provide them with content on a particular topic. This is of mutual benefit. If your content meets their standards, they get a great article for free. You get your article put in front of a whole new audience and a link back to your blog. Don’t forget to allow others to do the same on your blog, as this will build beneficial relationships for your networking strategy.
4. Become a Reliable Source
In terms of a mid to long-term strategy, the best way to promote your blog is to become a reliable source in the industry. By providing your audience with valuable content that offers a different point of view or leaves the reader with something they didn’t know before, they will start turning to you for useful information more often.
It will only be a matter of time before you will discover that your posts are being referenced (linked to) by others in their own writing. And not only will this help build your reputation as an authority in your field and redirect readers to your blog but it will also help a great deal with SEO and Google ranking.
5. Social Media
Posting your blog content on social media should go without saying. As a general rule of thumb, B2B companies should focus more on LinkedIn and Twitter, while B2Cs should aim their attention more on Facebook and Twitter. But aside from the obvious, you can also ask your employees to add the blog URL to their LinkedIn profile and post content on relevant social channels.
At Curatti, we help businesses obtain the most out of their blog content. We can help you with promotion and allow you to focus on what’s important. Do not let your hard work go to waste.
You may also want to read: Making Your Guest Posts More SEO-Friendly
Your Complete Content Plan Part 1: Keyword Research
Guest Blogging Outreach: How to Pitch an Article No One Will Turn Down
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