Use Agile Marketing to Bring More Visibility to Your Brand

When new trends go viral on social media does your business benefit?
In order to be ready for the next big news or event your brand needs to be ready to respond for what is coming next online, which can change quickly according to user response.
It doesn’t take a new app or tool to accomplish this, but rather a newer method called Agile Marketing. With the right communication, collaboration and strategy, your business can be ahead of the game and able to tap into this powerful strategy.
According to the Agile Marketing website, businesses should follow the Scrum marketing process, which encourages team collaboration and a faster response time to upcoming trends:
The process allows for quick feedback and response time, which can help your business better react to changing market conditions.
How can your brand or business stay in the spotlight online with maximum results? There are several strategies your business can use to offer fresh, clever and timely content:
Be great at research – Put forth the extra effort and time to study your market and its trends ahead of time while being willing to change at a moment’s notice. By using tools like Quora and Google News you can stay up to date with the latest content in your target market. The aim should be to not overthink this process, but rather be creative with one focus at a time, which should involve feedback from your team if possible. When everyone is operating in synq your ability to be prepared for a trending event is greatly improved. Keep in mind that nothing should be set in stone as conversations evolve.
Follow a strategized plan – As you schedule posts use a tighter time frame that includes the most popular topics or trends, and be ready to make changes when events occur. You don’t want to post something that has been automated ahead of time while missing out on what your community is talking about. This is not only bad for visibility, but shows that your business is not active online.
Zoe Summers, co-founder of Mass Planner, warns marketers to not rely on automation in their social media strategy in a recent article on Business 2 Community: “When you automate everything, you turn your account into a ghost town,” she said. “Your followers may start to wonder why they follow you as you are never available. As a result, you get unfollowed. If you schedule your tweets, be sure to monitor your account.”
Follow real-time conversations – Your business can be ready for whatever happens next online as you monitor your daily activity on your blog and on social media. Be ready to respond to feedback and customer issues, and track what others are saying about your company and the competition.
Agile marketing can become a win-win situation with daily actions, research and collaboration. Through tracking software and analytics your business will be able to allow for any necessary adjustments. Those who are ready to take advantage of the latest news and events will be able to reach more leads for greater visibility.
Susan Gilbert
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