The Current Trends in Digital Disruption

Few would argue that we are not living in a time where entire industries and massive brands are being heavily disrupted. When solutions to old ways of doing things are combined with technology that facilitates innovative new ways of looking at and dealing with those problems, we tend to see market and digital disruption on…
The 10 Hottest Digital Marketing Trends

The marketing industry continues to thrive. Changing human trends and patterns in purchasing behavior are causing a shift in digital marketing trends. Some are perhaps not so new, although many are solidifying their place within the marketing mix. Consumers are absorbing information on the internet through an omni-channel approach. Companies should clearly understand the importance…
How to Make Valuable Content Out of Trending News

Why Use Trending News? Staying relevant, content-wise, on the Internet today is very important. Answering audience questions is a must and the bulk of your content has to be informative, unique, and niche related – otherwise, you will get sidestepped completely. But, however you spin it, there is only so much you can write in…
The Rising Importance of a Personalised Experience

By Andrew Hutchinson One of the things that businesses need to accept in the new media landscape is that things have changed significantly. No surprises there, right? Everyone knows that media consumption habits have evolved, that the way in which brands reach people is adapting beyond traditional ‘broadcast and hope’ strategies. But what many are…
7 SEO Trends You Need to Know Now

Even though search engine optimization (SEO) is less than 20 years old, it has evolved quite a number of times and still continues to do so. For example, Google’s search algorithms are updated on a continual basis, bringing changes that brands of all sizes must adapt to, if they want to stay in business. In this article,…
The Top 10 Trends Driving The Future Of Marketing

Marketers are constantly looking into the future, trying to predict the next big trend, be it for their brands or their clients. Naturally, marketers are preoccupied with questions like: What is the next big campaign? How can we turn our client into the “next big thing”? What is the next hot trend going to be…
Startup Trends 2014 II

Note No sooner than I finished this post than my friend Evan Sanchez Tweeted that Google purchased for $3.2B. If that doesn’t make you want to fire up a startup I don’t know what will. Amazing and is covered in our Distributed Home section below. In Startup Trends 2014 I covered five macro…
Startup Trends 2014

Startup Trends in 2014 is a wide ocean of a topic (lol). Swimming around trying not be swept away I found a great macro trend report from Fjord. Fjord is owned by Accenture (so BIG) and they’ve taken a hip Forrester-like approach to the creation of an excellent and free annual trends report Before diving…
Internet Marketing 2014 Trends Mashup

Can marketing change more or faster? Most Internet marketers would answer a firm NO. The minute we offer a firm anything today’s pace makes yesterday’s feel slow. The web only knows one time – NOW. Internet marketing only operates at one speed – FASTER. Inside of those two firm truths this is enough play to…
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