
Shane Barker

7 of the Best Ways Your Brand Can Benefit from Influencer Marketing

Consumers now trust influencers more than the brands themselves and their paid advertisements. Why? Primarily because they consider influencers a more genuine and trustworthy source of information.  This demand for more authenticity made influencers key players in influencing consumers’ purchase decisions. Influencer marketing is currently the hottest buzzword in the online marketing arena. And a…

Milosz Krasinski

Sentiment Analysis Tools That Will Transform The Way You Work

Sentiment Analysis Tools

“If you don’t appreciate your customers, someone else will.” – Jason Langella There are quite a few tools on the market that you can try; thousands, in fact. When you’re looking through them it is easy to feel overwhelmed. You’re left wondering which one should use, and which tool or tools are actually going to…

Susan Gilbert

The Art of Social Media and SEO Marketing

Social Media Brand Engagement and SEO Marketing

As social media has become a factor in online marketing, many have debated whether this has had an impact on SEO. Specifically, this includes likes, retweets, and engagement, all of which indirectly impact a website’s search engine rankings. More specifically, both content and conversations through places like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn send out social signals.…

Liaqat Ali Hamiya

Facebook Advertising Has Got Better And Easier

Facebook Marketing Tools

“Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale.” – Chris Brogan Facebook is no longer just a social platform. Business and advertising have long since surpassed the social aspect. Facebook advertising allows a business to set its targeted audience, giving insights into the diversity of that audience. This targeting includes such…

Susan Gilbert

How to Create a Winning Pinterest Marketing Strategy

Improve Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy

Since 2010, Pinterest has grown tremendously. It now has over 250 million users — 80 percent of whom are engaging on mobile. Many consider this growing platform to be a part of both their social media and SEO strategies. It’s become a great place to build your brand and attract new website subscribers in an…

Milosz Krasinski

What Is A Social Media Audit And How To Conduct One

How To Run A Social Media Audit

A Social Media Audit is like giving your business a physical. It makes sure that your business’s health and wellness are completely up to date. You can check to see that everything is working the way it should be. Better yet, you receive detailed insights with regards to your social media successes and failures. It…

Alexandra Reay

7 Marketing Strategies to Boost Online Marketing Results on YouTube

Boost Online Marketing Results on YouTube

Despite much evidence showing the growing importance of video in marketing, it’s still an area that’s not being explored enough. Content marketers tend to focus on articles and infographics, and leave YouTube videos to vloggers and big brands. That’s a mistake! According to a survey conducted by ThinkWithGoogle, nearly 50% of Internet users search for…

Joydeep Bhattacharya

How to Leverage Social Selling To Dominate Your eCommerce Niche

Leverage Social Selling To Dominate Your eCommerce Niche

Social media is not just a platform for networking. It has gradually progressed to become a platform for product selling for any eCommerce niche. In fact, 30% of shoppers have admitted that they would prefer to buy a product directly from sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. One of the major benefits that social…

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