How To Bridge The Gap Between IT and Social Media

Incorporate the Building Blocks of IT into your Social Media Deliverables In my many years in IT, as programmer, analyst and tester, I have found that idiot-proofing systems is paramount. This is a variation on the understood meaning, and probably more than a little unfair to those I sought to build systems to defend against.…
3 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Social Media Marketing
By Robert Caruso If your social media marketing is lacking engagement, click traffic and growth, you may need a spark of innovation to get back on track. With so many social accounts and business pages on social media, many are left feeling it is just incredibly difficult to break through the noise. The fact is that it…
How social sharing can attract more readers to your blog

We all know that whenever you click that publish button, you won’t instantly get thousands of readers clamouring to read your blog. But if you want what you’ve written to be read by more than just your mother and next door’s cat, you will need to promote it. And you also know that one of the best places…
Here’s The Quickest Way to Build Trust and Loyalty

By Bryan Kramer When it comes to calculating brand value, trust is often a dynamic that is considered mostly an afterthought. Trust is an intangible sum difficult to quantify in business balance sheets. And yet, it’s quite possibly one of the most important things to a company’s overall net worth. Why, you ask? Because trust…
5 Ways Social Media Marketing Is Changing Before Our Eyes

Okay, I’ll say it. This is going to be a controversial post. I’m going to cover some stuff that some of you will disagree with. But that’s alright. In fact, that’s what I’m hoping will happen. You see, as marketers, we’re at our finest when we’re challenging the status quo. If we’re just going with the flow,…
Your Essential Cheat Sheet for Social Media Image Sizes

Every so often, popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus change the format, layout, and style of their networks. Just when you feel comfortable with the most recent updates, along comes a whole new round. One area that continues to evolve is social media images. From cover photos to the exact right dimensions for posts,…
Can’t Miss Strategies To Improve Your Social Media Marketing

By Brett Relander It is not uncommon for startup businesses to have limited capital and resources in terms of being able to budget for marketing. As a result, marketing campaigns can quickly become stale and begin generating fewer results. If you are looking for a way to invigorate your social media marketing campaign, the following…
Three Myths Around Social Media Marketing

All of the blog posts I write are dedicated to the power of what social media CAN do for your business. And if you’ve been reading this blog for more than a couple posts, you know I love social media and the impact it can have on a business. But, despite all that, there are…
10 Social Media Strategy Ideas that Generate Results

The competition for attention is fierce! No matter where you look – Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus — standing out isn’t easy. But, did you know that 97% of consumers say they now turn to the Internet before making contact with a business? That makes differentiation more important than ever before. As a small business owner or entrepreneur,…
Scott Monty’s ‘This Week in Digital’: A Case Study in Excellent Content Curation

A few months ago, I showed you how Karen Dietz curates posts on The article was so well received that I decided to turn the idea into a mini-series. This time, I went for a different example: a roundup. This form of curation consists in bringing together a series of related posts in an easy-to-digest…
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