
Shane Barker

7 of the Best Ways Your Brand Can Benefit from Influencer Marketing

Consumers now trust influencers more than the brands themselves and their paid advertisements. Why? Primarily because they consider influencers a more genuine and trustworthy source of information.  This demand for more authenticity made influencers key players in influencing consumers’ purchase decisions. Influencer marketing is currently the hottest buzzword in the online marketing arena. And a…

Liaqat Ali Hamiya

Facebook Advertising Has Got Better And Easier

Facebook Marketing Tools

“Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale.” – Chris Brogan Facebook is no longer just a social platform. Business and advertising have long since surpassed the social aspect. Facebook advertising allows a business to set its targeted audience, giving insights into the diversity of that audience. This targeting includes such…

Nathan Sykes
Experiential Marketing

A lot has changed about how marketing campaigns are designed and delivered in the modern age, where technology seems to power everything. It could be that we’re seeing the last days of traditional billboards and static advertisements in magazines. These days, it’s videos, blogs, live events and interactive media that seem to capture the public’s…

Birbahadur Singh Kathayat

12 Marketing Tools To Elevate Your Business To The Next Level

Marketing Tools To Elevate Your Business

Ever since businesses have gone online and conducted digitally, the number of marketing tools have risen exponentially. Today, there are so many of them – each with distinct functionality – that marketers find it difficult to select the most appropriate ones according to their needs. With the internet and social media in full blow, you…

Olivia Ryan

How To Take Advantage Of Your Customers’ Emotions

Online advertising using customer emotions

When brands create their promotion strategies, they all have one goal in mind: to engage and attract more consumers. And if you had to choose only one word to describe advertising in general, you could easily say that it’s “emotional”. To make online advertising more effective, every digital marketer needs to know how to influence…

Shiju Mathew

5 High Value Cross-platform eCommerce Marketing Tips

Cross-platform marketing

“Deliver the right message at the right time.” is a phrase oft-repeated as a mantra for any marketing campaign to succeed. However, marketers these days have another crucial aspect to take care of when it comes to reaching out effectively to their customers: the platform. Today’s customers no longer connect with your brand using just…

Dante Munnis

How To Create An Innovative Campaign For Your B2B Blog

Many people still think that a B2B business is not the place to create an innovative campaign. That the conversation and negotiation between two companies must always be formal, serious, and tedious. And this is because important decisions are being made and they usually mean large amount of money and risk taking. But the problem…

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