12 Influence Marketing, Facebook Page and Video Marketing Tools

The following is made up of 3 “Business Tips” articles, each of which talks about 4 helpful tools and resources around a specific area of your business. Today, the subjects are: Building your business with Influence Marketing tools Growing your Facebook Page Improving your Video Marketing Build Your Business with These 4 Influence Marketing Tools…
How to Best Connect with Influencers

Has your business made the right connections with important influencers in your niche yet? These are the online voices who have the ability to reach audiences and compel them to take action based on their advice and recommendations. Leaders like these have invested time and effort over a long period to build trust and authority.…
Guest Blogging Outreach: How to Pitch an Article No One Will Turn Down

When we embark on our guest blogging outreach, we’ve all have heard some variation of the words “I have to pass this time.” It’s important to remember that even highly-respected influencers have been through this before. They simply were learning from their failures instead of giving up. Sure, there is no magic formula for creating…
10 High Profile Influencer Marketing Case Studies

In this “Great Articles You may have missed” article, Shane Barker presents 10 Influencer Marketing case studies. No, they aren’t ‘typical’. But there are lessons to be learned from each…. Influencer Marketing Case Studies You’ve read influencer marketing tips and how-to guides from experts. But there’s only so much you can learn from instructions alone. The…
Your Guide to Being a Social Media Rock Star (updated)

My first encounter with social media was a long time ago. My first account wasn’t on Facebook or Twitter…it was on Myspace, and this was long before it became a music platform. When Facebook first showed up on the scene I laughed. This site will never take off, I thought. Well, as you can plainly see,…
How Endorsements From Influencers Can Improve Your Business’s Social Reach

Building your business’s brand recommendations with top influencers will bring you, your social media and your website more visibility and credibility. This might seem a bit lofty to attain. But, with the right communication and strategy in place you can connect with high-level individuals. Who are the right influencers to reach out to? Your business…
What Is The Relationship Between Influence and Expertise?

In a world where people are overwhelmingly seeking out high impact content to help them make purchase decisions, should brands be aligning with experts to serve the role of influencer?” The Makings of An Expert What is an expert anyway? By definition it is someone having comprehensive or authoritative knowledge in a particular area. In…
What is Influence Marketing and Why is it So Important to Your Business

The reason people say, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” is that human relationships are essential for getting things done. People open the door to new audiences, people connect you to others with similar interests and it’s people who get us to believe, decide and choose. What is Influencer Marketing? Influencer marketing…