How Can Your Website “Make Love”: 5 Internet Marketing Tips

The Beatles Were Right When the Beatles said, “And, in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make” they were both right and prescient. The Beatles were speaking about web marketing long before there was a web. Creating websites that people LOVE is rarely discussed. I’ve heard, “Create great content”…
Escape From Google – Diversify Your Internet Marketing

Note: This post is a preview to my Digital Marketing For Business presentation this Wednesday May 8th at 10:00 in the Raleigh Convention Center. Escape From Google I’m not Snake Pilssken the character Kurt Russell played in John Carpenter’s famous end of the world movie Escape From New York. Carpenter’s 1981 movie had the world…
Big Data + Bad Analysis = Big Bust

Big Data, Big Hype? In the article ‘Big Data, Big Hype?’, for Wired Magazine, Stephen Dodson of Prelert lists several articles that question Big Data, including: “Big Data: Are We Making A Big Mistake?” (Financial Times, March 28, 2014) “Eight (No Nine!) Problems With Big Data” (The New York Times, April 6, 2014) “Growing Doubts…
Context Broadens Audience. Questions Broaden Discussion

To Break free of the Silo, look outside of it. Seems obvious, right? But somehow, whereas the problem is evident to many, a broad solution remains elusive. Indeed, as communities form within the Content Marketing world, could it be that the culture is exacerbating rather than alleviating the issue? It is what prompted me to…
5 New SEO Secrets that Will Shift Your Business into High Gear

The new SEO with its insistence on great content, social shares, links and likes spins different than the old “optimize everything” and “buy what you can” SEO (see New Vs. Old SEO Table at end of this post). This post shares 5 New SEO Secrets you can use to recover lost traffic and revenue…
Why There Is A Curatti In Your Future

. The Curatti Exception Last week several fascinating and important conversations about the future of Internet marketing, websites, truth, justice and the American way happened (linked below). Great thinkers like blogger Mark Schaefer,’s CEO Guillaume Decugis, Curatti’s founder Jan Gordon and others discussed “content shocks” and asked if content curation can save us. These…
Content Curation – 5 Tips From Great Content Curators

In an increasingly noisy world of content creation or “inbound marketing” content without curation is a rabble, a jumble of impossible to decipher DATA. Examples of content curation are easy to find: Navigation on any website. Finding related images. Adding related links and perspective from gurus and thought leaders. Responding to comments. Sharing content on…
Create an Impact Through Curation – Here are the First 6 Steps

Yikes! There are about 20 steps to curate quality content. But never fear — they don’t all apply at once thank heavens! Or we’d never get anything else done. I want to make it really easy for you – because it can be. If you know what to pay attention to. Once you know what to do,…
How To Find And Share Content That Makes You Distinct

We’re born content producers. The more prolific among us are literally volcanoes of content. In this digital age of connection and resonance, it pays to understand ourselves as content producers. We’ve all got valuable, individualistic treasure to work with. I’m a proponent of using this kind of material in online spaces, in moderation, whether or…
Powerful SEO For Content Marketers: 5 Quick Tips
Content Creation and Curation This post helps content marketers avoid falling into sometimes well hidden SEO bear traps. 5 Quick SEO Tips For Content Marketers Duplicate Content The Right Way. Create SAFE Content Curation. Little Things Matter. Keywords Are Friends. It’s A SoLoMo World Duplicate Content The Right Way Every website needs to duplicate some…
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