
Karen Dietz

Content Curators Must Do This First to Build Trust

What is the one essential ingredient for success that most curators of information miss? Is it relevant content? No. Is it a review for each article? Sometimes, but that’s another post. Is it catchy article titles? Not usually. It’s – tah-da – an editorial statement. What??!! Sounds dry and boring! Good grief, why would I…

Andy Capaloff

Is ‘Content Shock’ Just Another Scare?

At what point does the exponential increase in content production make the cost of trying to grab and hold attention no longer cost-effective?  This is the basis for an article by the excellent Mark Schaefer, published a few days ago, that caused quite a stir! He argues that we’re already at the point when simply…

Angela Dunn

The Future of Curation is Evergreen

By Angela Dunn @blogbrevity What is Content Curation? Content curation is much more than simply collecting things you like. To be an effective curator, you need to have the eye of an editor, a sense of taste like a chef, and your own unique Point of View. It is this Point of View – your…

Jan Gordon

Welcome to Curatti by Jan Gordon, founder

Curatti is finally here! Curatti has been an idea that has been fermenting since 2008, the vintage has matured and I’m so happy you’re here. Thanks for joining me as we uncork Curatti. I am very familiar with the reasons you have landed on this page.  You are looking for some clarity and a guiding…

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