Exceptional Social Customer Service is a Differentiator

Most companies have a multi-channel online presence, with their websites, blogs and social networks. But that’s not enough! In 2015 the online arena has become so crowded, that brands must have an effective online strategy to be successful. They have to be: Properly positioned –> SEO-optimized in order to reach your target audience. Noticed –> conveying a unique and…
Is Blog Commenting a Lost Art?

Do You Have a Blog Commenting Strategy? ‘Say what?’ Yes I ask you; do you have a blog commenting strategy? Do you have ‘comment goals’ for your own blog? Have you ever analyzed your articles to find out why some articles get commented on a lot and other (great) articles get no response at all?…
A 4-Step Plan to Building a Successful Small Business Blog

Is creating a successful blog for your small business at the top of your to-do list? Would you like to build your online presence through blogging, but don’t know where to start? It goes without saying that blogging can benefit your business. Not only can it position you as an industry or subject matter expert,…
Surefire Tips for Business Blogging Success

Have you mapped out a blog writing plan for your business articles for the new year? Not sure if blogging can help improve your marketing? The good news is that it’s never too late to begin a blog or refresh an existing one. As we enter into a new season it’s more important than ever…
5 Common Marketing Myths

By Geoff Livingston Myths and misconceptions are abound in the marketing blogosphere. Sometimes I can’t help but think that we have a pseudo religion about the way the industry is. In actuality, a small group of blogging voices laud these best practices and ideas based on their experiences or beliefs, which for all intents and…
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